What's hilarious to me as an Aussie, is that many here don't seem to realise that video was shot in Australia...
In the middle of bloody SUMMER!!!!
(and going by the trees in the background she's not in Victoria either- likely around Brisbane or further north but closer to the coast than I am... its semitropical or tropical rainforest)
To give you an idea, today it was over 38C here (thats 98F for the hogheads in cubits people) and thats been one of the cooler days this summer thanks to the cyclone...
(plus she's wearing quite a 'conservative' top for here lol- I see far smaller ones walking down the main street every day...)
(I spent the day in my own workshop, rebuilding a small Briggs and Stratton motor for a rideon, only thing I been wearing all day was a pair of shorts- I doubt Youtube would have allowed her to post the video if she had been dressed like me lol)
Its after 1am here ATM, having a few brews lol- and its
STILL 26C (79F) and still in my shorts AND with the fan going...