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You're missing the point. One post referred to 'unemployment' but then referred to in another post as 'poverty'. You can be employed but still be in poverty. No dig aimed at you by the way.

They are of course two different things:
  • unemployment is the state of not having a (paying) job
  • poverty is being unable to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter
I strongly suspect there is a material correlation between unemployment and poverty.

Defining poverty in relative terms means a part of any population will be in poverty. In a population comprising millionaires and billionaires - relative poverty would happily define millionaires as needy - clearly daft.

Those living in poverty in the UK are (mostly) generally fed, housed, educated, enjoy health care, clean water, etc. They enjoy a living standard that would be regarded as aspirational in some parts of the world.

IMHO relative poverty is no more useful a definition than absolute poverty in defining real needs - more sense and less dogma needs to be applied.
They are of course two different things:
  • unemployment is the state of not having a (paying) job
  • poverty is being unable to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter
I strongly suspect there is a material correlation between unemployment and poverty.

Defining poverty in relative terms means a part of any population will be in poverty. In a population comprising millionaires and billionaires - relative poverty would happily define millionaires as needy - clearly daft.

Those living in poverty in the UK are (mostly) generally fed, housed, educated, enjoy health care, clean water, etc. They enjoy a living standard that would be regarded as aspirational in some parts of the world.

IMHO relative poverty is no more useful a definition than absolute poverty in defining real needs - more sense and less dogma needs to be applied.
So poverty is OK then? But taxing the rich is not?
Which doesn't/didn't make it less of a liabilty.
Jaguar, British Telecom, Cable & Wireless, British Aerospace, Britoil, British Gas, British Steel, British Petroleum, Rolls Royce, British Airways, water, electricity, British Coal, Powergen, National Power, British Rail - none could have been an asset (financial and in other ways) for years to come with sufficient government will? There seem to be plenty of examples in Europe and elsewhere where state-owned companies are very successful. There wasn't the will, quite the opposite - govt had a clear-cut agenda.
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The question remains, do you agree that at some point, population will outweigh natures ability to sustain it and as such, this topic will need address?
It already has! If you remove farming how many people do you think the planet can support? We have been manipulating nature since we began farming!
And the list is almost endless and fundamental. As I wrote earlier, the public sector is the precondition of success in the private sector.

And less than 1% of the UK population owns 50% of the land. Little wonder housing is so terribly expensive in the UK and there is a housing crisis.
Housing is expensive because Blair and brown removed the last shackles on the banks and allowed banks to keep lending more! Had they limited mortgage lending and rent charge per housing band the prices would have stayed down!
Strawman alert
Damn you! You would go and make me have a look at his latest nonsense.

Jeez....does he never stop banging that drum FFS. I can imagine Jacob in his workshop getting a splinter in his finger and thinking "Damn those rich people...putting this splinter in my finger"
Yes, I should have considered that you can't build a housing estate at the apex of a mountain etc without considerable expenditure, I guess I just didn't bother to look any deeper. So, since you have bothered to look deeper, what percentage of the 50% of land that is owned by less than 1% of the population can't be built on, and why?
Haven't got a clue, mate. And to be honest, couldn't care less. There are some who inherit. So what? Why is that a problem ? Especially if their parents built something up from nothing?
ps It's a good job you're there to defend the less than 1% whose ownership of so much land led me to suggest it's a significant factor in the cost of land and housing crisis. Poor things.
That's because you haven't bothered to look any deeper past your own prejudices. And I'm not going to try and educate you so don't even ask.
Haven't got a clue, mate. And to be honest, couldn't care less. There are some who inherit. So what? Why is that a problem ? Especially if their parents built something up from nothing?

That's because you haven't bothered to look any deeper past your own prejudices. And I'm not going to try and educate you so don't even ask.

Please try and be a bit more civil in your replies. It’s not difficult.
You don't know? That's because you haven't bothered to look any deeper past your own prejudices. And I'm not going to try and educate you so don't even ask. (Yes, utterly childish.)
Are you Jacob ? You sound very much like him. Throw out some random 'fact' and then when challenged - rather than provide the evidence - you say 'Go Google'.
Housing is expensive because Blair and brown removed the last shackles on the banks and allowed banks to keep lending more! Had they limited mortgage lending and rent charge per housing band the prices would have stayed down!
Yes, that was a big mistake. Good state regulation of these institutions seems essential.
Are you Jacob ? You sound very much like him. Throw out some random 'fact' and then when challenged - rather than provide the evidence - you say 'Go Google'.
Just trying to encourage people to find out for themselves instead of relying on their prejudices or the Daily Mail. You should try it yourself!
Also it's tedious having to dig out facts for people who can't be bothered to do it for themselves.
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Also it's tedious having to dig out facts for people who can't be bothered to do it for themselves.
Someone is wrong on internet.png

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