Hmm... In the absence of any real purpose to life, we come up with them. This time next year, we'll be millionaires. We really need an extension. A new shirt or two. Collect an example of every button made between 1872 and 1875.Chris I could also do lots of reading up on religions but it won't change my mind about them. No one actually needs them unless they have a truly weak mind unable deduce and differentiate between fact and fiction.
What I like about the Church is that at least it acknowledges our inevitable death. Death's not good for marketing, it's not really a lifestyle choice for most. Between us and death, the Church provides a welcoming beauty, death becomes beautiful. Nonsense of course, but at least it's acknowledged.
It's more-or-less absent from the little projects created for us by our culture, a culture in denial. There's little profit in it. But those projects are religions, people dedicate their lives to them, the primary one being acquisition of wealth and things.

Albrecht Durer, 1505
Only the stupid laugh at religious beliefs, then go shopping.
And btw, Karl Marx agrees with you, he saw religion as the opiate of the masses. I think we all need some opiate to fend off reality.
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