Home is improving, after I cleared and cleaned the bathroom, resealed the bath and shower screen she made a start clearing the hallway and the smallest room, made me feel like my feelings were being considered for the first time in years, she got so much sorted I was happy to support her in going to see her cousin in Spain, she flew out there Friday morning and will be back in a day or two, the quiet has been beautiful, one of the hardest things I've had to adjust to is a lack of alone time, before covid hit she used to spend 4 or 5 whole weekends away at various dog shows and country fairs with the dogs, since we lost our Springer 2 years ago it's been too painful for her to go, so this weekend is my first on my own for a long time, still have the dogs here so can't spend the whole time in the makerspace but that's OK

Work was getting better until I found out that the CEO is planning to spend over £200K converting 3 of my classrooms into the academy HQ offices, yet I have a building in need of a new roof £100K, my main building boiler blew up a year ago £308K, tree works required based on an annual arborist report, a lot of it is dead wood above playground areas £10K, all of the children's toilets need refurbishing £££?, classrooms all desperately need new flooring, tables, chairs, blinds and redecorating at around £11K per room for 10 rooms, 5 fire escapes that need new exit steps because the current ones are rotten and collapsing £12K. So as you can imagine I'm feeling pretty disgusted at such an inappropriate waste of money, especially when I keep getting snarky comments passed down about things that need doing around site. I seriously doubt I will be here in a years time at the minute.