Hi all
Just though I'd post a couple of ideas i had to improve my kit. First is to allow more accurate positioning of the tablesaw fence on my Kity (used same trick on old record).
I got a bar magnifier from Tescos for about £5.00 and has 3x magnification + a thin blue line along it. I made a small aluminium bracket with slotted holes to allow adjusment. I cut the magnifier down to size and sanded an angle on it to macth that on the fence support using my disc sander. I also sanded the top end at the same angle to sit parallel to the table top. I drilled, tapped and screwed the magnifier to the bracket and there you have it. Magnified scale - seriously accurate and repeatable cuts are now possible.
Just though I'd post a couple of ideas i had to improve my kit. First is to allow more accurate positioning of the tablesaw fence on my Kity (used same trick on old record).
I got a bar magnifier from Tescos for about £5.00 and has 3x magnification + a thin blue line along it. I made a small aluminium bracket with slotted holes to allow adjusment. I cut the magnifier down to size and sanded an angle on it to macth that on the fence support using my disc sander. I also sanded the top end at the same angle to sit parallel to the table top. I drilled, tapped and screwed the magnifier to the bracket and there you have it. Magnified scale - seriously accurate and repeatable cuts are now possible.
