My block plane arrived today, seems like a nicely made item. Even came reasonably sharp which was unexpected!
Right back at you, "intern" you've lost me.Firstly, I am not your intern.
Secondly, I already know that some taxes are indeed stolen
Thirdly, the stolen money is not used to fund the invasion of UKraine. Only the un-stolen money raised by tax is used to fund Russion government project. The stolen money is used to line the pockets of Putin and his chums.
Try to think about what you type before giving us the verbage of your considered opinion.
I think if LN have an issue, then they can address it. Did the appoint you as their spokesperson or moral arbiter for the rest of us? Thought not. The horse you are on is rather high. A plane is a plane is a plane. They've been around a long time and the detail differences are pretty trivial. If you don't want to be copied, then you need to be a) innovative, b) patented and c) willing to defend. Much as I like LN I think they too have copied long standing designs.
This is absolutely correct. If you sell a soda called Cooke instead of Coke with everything else being equal, the summons is not if but when!Actually, that's not true.
If you want to not have your functions patented, you have to be patented.
If you want to not have your non-functional identifying aspects copied, that's just basic trademark law in the US. The only thing that really prevents trade dress suits is:
1) cost
2) if you're trying to use trade dress as a way to intimidate other makers who are copying functional things, you can lose and if you lose, you've set precedent and can't make threats about the loss
If we step back and pretend that LN sells 100MM of the block planes and the luban block plane comes on the market in the US, the lawsuit would be pretty easy to win unless luban could prove that the distinctive visual elements unique to LN are functional.
Early on, I sort of wondered if copying the LN planes was also partly due to the assumption that it would be safer than making a dead copy of a stanley bedrock since stanley is still in business. No clue on that. At the time, LN planes sold for 2-3x most bedrock planes. If you can copy the visual and non-functional material aspects of a competitor, you give people the impression that the items are identical other than the brand an origin.
if you're the company that created something style or trade wise, it's a simple thing - someone else is taking your investment in brand and appearance and trading on it.
Is there a tie between Luban and Wood River? I know both originate from China.
I remember the same kind of discourse around Japanese manufacturing from the late 70's with as similar chauvinist tone. A friend of mine had an old Datsun and some wrote on the car "J . .. junk." No one talks about Japanese cars being junk anymore. This cycle gets repeated: countries break into manufacturing in the low cost markets. Over time as their expertise and capacity grows, the companies move into higher-end markets where there's a bigger profit margin. Many of the low-end manufacturing industries have left China and moved on to Viet Nam and other places in Asia.