Keir Starmer

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That's the big bonus of being in EU. Disputes between neighbours (UK and Ireland) suddenly become less meaningful when they are both under the jurisdiction of bigger entity, but on equal terms.
Orange marches could just become quaint cultural relics with everybody joining in the fun! Or would that be out of the question?
Brexit was the most stupid thing the tories could possibly have done.
I know you like to blame the Tories for most things, and I agree the vote was stupid, but it was the general population that voted for it and many think it was to keep migrants out (that went well). Is your point that you can't trust the UK population to demand facts on which to make a rational decision? :rolleyes:
I know you like to blame the Tories for most things, and I agree the vote was stupid, but it was the general population that voted for it and many think it was to keep migrants out (that went well).
The did not vote for it. They voted in favour of it but clearly dependent on the terms obtained, when the general common-sense but unspoken assumption was that they would only then vote for or against it, or Parliament just reject it as a lost cause.
Nobody voted for Johnson going head-down brain-off and "just getting brexit done" really badly.
Is your point that you can't trust the UK population to demand facts on which to make a rational decision? :rolleyes:
No my point is that we don't rule by plebiscite and the decision should have been left for Parliament to make, following the negotiations.
Only an idi ot would agree to an extremely important and complicated contract with details unknown and undecided. We found our idi ot in Johnson.
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Orange marches could just become quaint cultural relics with everybody joining in the fun! Or would that be out of the question? :unsure:

Eek! Careful - it's over 300 years already - and that time has done little to diminish the raw emotion that these provoke...

Brexit was the most stupid thing the tories could possibly have done.

This is from a very, very long and epic list of stupid things that the Tories did, but I agree 100% :cry:
To be specific, a border poll would only be called by the NI SoS if it appears likely that there will be a majority in favour of a UI from the NI electorate. It will involve all the electorate on the island of Ireland. The GFA referendum was a North and South vote. And yep, London can't impose anything.

As for this:
I’m sure Starmer’s crew could find a way to give NI away, after all it’s only part of an island and they managed to give away a whole island group just a few days ago.
I’m sure Starmer’s crew could find a way to give NI away, after all it’s only part of an island and they managed to give away a whole island group just a few days ago.
He can't.
LOL, I hadn't heard that one before, probably the same as "trust me" or "honestly"... (although it might be also be true to say that distrusting someone who uses "fact" would indicate more about the reader than the writer?)

Anyway, back to the topic:

Honestly, you gotta trust me on this - Home Office have no powers to instruct Police on Operational matters. fact.

And if you don't trust me, just look it up for yourselves:

Google "Home Office power over police UK", or "Does the government control the police UK".

Answers will clearly show that police operations are independent of government and that the home office has no power over police operations...
Not quite as clear cut as you imagine. No one can even be considered for appointment in any chief officer rank without having completed various training etc at the college of policing.
Who is responsible for appointing all the executives of the college, that would be the Home Secretary, who is the boss of that organisation. As such she or he has a very real influence in shaping policing at all levels.
So there is effectively an approved list of those who can apply for such posts, controlled by an organisation run by the Home Secretary. If your name isn't on that list you cannot even apply for such a post.
The Home Secretary also directs the policing priorities of police forces, and can impose meaningful sanctions on any Chief Constable or force that doesn't comply with his or her wishes.
I think it would be hard to argue that dictating what areas of crime the police have to prioritise does not have a very real impact on operational policing.
So if we are talking about day to day issues, what officer patrols what area etc, then you are right.
But the bigger and more important the issues become the greater the influence of the Home Secretary.
To believe otherwise is very naive.
I’m sure Starmer’s crew could find a way to give NI away, after all it’s only part of an island and they managed to give away a whole island group just a few days ago.
Wasn’t that actually Starmers crew finishing what the previous government started after the UN said they belonged to Mauritius?