Keir Starmer

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So: 20 years after settling in Britain, one in 12 have not bothered to learn the language.

And, of those who do arrive not speaking English, barely half learn it during that time period.
Not really sure what your point is - unless it is some sort of anti-immigrant, possibly racist slur.

If you look further in the Migration Observatory report you will note that it is predominantly the older generation who at immigration had no or limited English - 39% of those age 50+ compared to less than 7% below the age of 25.

No real surprise granny may not speak English - and may struggle to do so even after living here many years.

The Spanish comparator - from a survey in 2011 (although I doubt much has changed):

A EuroWeekly News article reported that many British expats in Spain speak no more than 10 Spanish words per week. A survey of British migrants in Málaga found that 60% did not speak Spanish well.

Many, possibly most Brits retiring to the sun are retirees and those 50+ who have accumulated sufficient to retire early. If anything they are less adequate than the older UK immigrant.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Starmer's Transport Minister Louise Haigh has upset DP World ( parent company of P & O) by calling them cowboys putting their £1 billion investment in the UK in jeopardy. Starmer has been made to grovel just to mend the fences his minions have damaged.

The clown Haigh had called for a boycott of DP World over the sackings of 800 workers of P&O worker a couple of years ago. This is also to do with Rayner's planned worker's rights legislation.
These are supposed to be intelligent people though looking at her and her behaviour the jury is definitely out on that one.
The sooner this lot are shown the door the better it will be for the UK
Yes the Tories were bad but not in the same street as this lot and over the past 14 years arguably the Tories had the outcome of the 2008 financial crash and recession to deal with when the Coalition took over in 2010 then when things were beginning to pick up they had the Covid crisis and recession to deal with which was then followed by a partial third recession resulting from the war in Ukraine.

Thank goodness that Starmer et al weren't in power during that period otherwise I dread to think what the state of the country would have been right now..
They would struggle to run a bath let alone the country and its economy...they are clueless.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Starmer's Transport Minister Louise Haigh has upset DP World ( parent company of P & O) by calling them cowboys putting their £1 billion investment in the UK in jeopardy. Starmer has been made to grovel just to mend the fences his minions have damaged.

The clown Haigh had called for a boycott of DP World over the sackings of 800 workers of P&O worker a couple of years ago. This is also to do with Rayner's planned worker's rights legislation.
These are supposed to be intelligent people though looking at her and her behaviour the jury is definitely out on that one.
The sooner this lot are shown the door the better it will be for the UK
Yes the Tories were bad but not in the same street as this lot and over the past 14 years arguably the Tories had the outcome of the 2008 financial crash and recession to deal with when the Coalition took over in 2010 then when things were beginning to pick up they had the Covid crisis and recession to deal with which was then followed by a partial third recession resulting from the war in Ukraine.

Thank goodness that Starmer et al weren't in power during that period otherwise I dread to think what the state of the country would have been right now..
They would struggle to run a bath let alone the country and its economy...they are clueless.
So you're not too keen on our government standing up for our workers' legal rights?

'The British government [in 2022] criticised the company's actions and stated that it was looking at the legal ramifications, including whether P&O could be fined, and how other contracts it held with DP World were affected. The legal community was generally critical of P&O for seemingly ignoring UK employment law, and several law firms commented on the likelihood of any crew members' potential employment tribunal claim being successful on a number of grounds.'

'Cowboys' doesn't do it justice. Both Parties' criticisms of P&O are justified, we don't need those kinds of practices in the UK.
:ROFLMAO: Sounds very civilised! They seem to be doing well on it and our occasional holidays in France are always a pleasure. Almost everything is better quality and value than the UK equivalent.
You have no idea, try living there, the costs are at least three times more expensive to get anything done on or in your house or garden, the only thing cheaper in France is wine and food, everything else is at least two or three times more expansive, all caused by the draconian employment laws, simple to prove looking at the dates they were implemented and the real inflation rates of France, not the massaged rates given out by the French Government which are always based on food costs and not the real cost of living.

Did you know that the most dangerous profession in France is Teaching, being stabbed whilst trying to teach is common place and always by a member of an extreme religion minority.

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