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Boris. Just say you were with Nicola Sturgeon on the day in question, she will back you up as she seems to forget things as well...........................................
@bushwhaker, Do you guys still have that really rubbish tank museum. I visited it once, a long time ago when I was looking to by a farm near leyarovo. Just filled with stuff the germans and russians forgot to take home with them. nothing restored just rusty bits of metal scrap
A member of the New York Explorers Club is hunting for rare animals in darkest Africa.

He comes across the strangest looking beast he has ever seen. It's a quarter part elephant, a quarter monkey, a quarter hippo and a quarter tiger and with a very sweet disposition.

They cage it and ship it to New York to the explorers club where he exhibits the creature that he calls a "Rarey" and gives a talk on it before the members.

Over a short period of time he notices that the Rarey is growing extremely fast and is soon too large to keep in a cage. He decides to return it to its home in Africa even though there is not enough food around to keep it alive. They reach the edge of a tall cliff and they both look over knowing that the Rarey, unable to survive, must go over the edge to his death.

The explorer says "Good bye old friend I will miss you". To his surprise the Rarey speaks for the first time. It looks down over the steep cliff and sings, "It's a long way to tip a Rarey".
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