This isn’t so much a joke but something my grandfather once said that still makes me laugh.
Bob - my Grandad - died in 1981 and was a sheep and cattle farmer in New Zealand. In the mid 1930s he bought 90 acres of native bush and scrub that he would eventually clear to become his farm. To save for the deposit for this he did contract fencing. At the time NZ farm fencing was 7 strands of tensioned number 8 wire stapled to battens spaced every two feet with a heavy post into the earth every 12 feet. Anyway one christmas one of my older cousins, who himself had recently become a fencer, asked Grandad how good a fencer he had been. Grandad said ’when I used to go out fencing for the day I had to take 3 dinners in my backpack because it would take me 2 f@cken days to walk back’.
Miss you Grandad