- In a similar vein as the spoty lady try this out .
Copy these no's out in this form on a clean sheet of paper .
Tell the subject they will be asked a random question and that it is NOT a maths question.
Write the word CARROT on a separate piece of paper without the subject seeing or being aware of an answer
Get your subject to read the no's out from top to bottom and then upwards to the top without stopping.
Repeat this at least 6 times until the subject is completely immersed in the no 5.
Then ask them to name a vegetable. NOT their favourite veg. It has to be a surprise question with no time to think of an answer.
My success rate so far is 23 out of 25 .
The reaction when you show them the answer is brilliant. Always assuming you are successful.
Copy these no's out in this form on a clean sheet of paper .
Tell the subject they will be asked a random question and that it is NOT a maths question.
Write the word CARROT on a separate piece of paper without the subject seeing or being aware of an answer
Get your subject to read the no's out from top to bottom and then upwards to the top without stopping.
Repeat this at least 6 times until the subject is completely immersed in the no 5.
Then ask them to name a vegetable. NOT their favourite veg. It has to be a surprise question with no time to think of an answer.
My success rate so far is 23 out of 25 .
The reaction when you show them the answer is brilliant. Always assuming you are successful.