A Pakistani goes into an Army recruitment office. "Can I help you?" asks the sergeant, with his eyebrows raised.
"I want to join up, mate. You can't stop me or it's racism!"
"I see.." replies the wily old Sarge, looking at his vacancy sheet. "Well, we do have an opening in the Catering Corps. All the British Army loves a curry, eh?"
"You can't put me there, that's stereotyping!"
"Ok.. what about a Quartermaster's private? We all need goods and supplies while we're fighting the enemy."
"So you're putting me in a shop? More racial stereotyping! I want to do something of equal standing to white blokes."
The sergeant, increasingly p*ssed off now, flips a page on his sheet.
"Right. I suppose you want to drive an armoured personnel carrier? Something like that?"
"Yeah! That sounds good. What is it?"
"Well it's Sort of like a taxi."