Joe Biden drops out

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The Republicans main attack line on the Democrats was "Biden is too old to be President and he is suffering cognitive decline"

how the tables have turned....Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in US history + he is noticeably suffering cognitive decline

early polls put the wonderful Kamala Harris ahead of Old Duffer Donald

its all to play for

The other is an adjudicated rapist, fraud and felon who’s now the oldest person to ever run for president and unfit to serve in every way imaginable. My two cents, but you get the drift).
But it seems a lot of americans like to back the underdog and even more worrying is the synario if trump loses after that last fiasco.

His history (even way before became involved in politics) has been one of screwing other people over, dubious business practices
That description would apply to an awful lot of successful businessmen, I don't think you get to become filthy rich by being nice, the term ruthless comes to mind !
The Boss :)

That description would apply to an awful lot of successful businessmen, I don't think you get to become filthy rich by being nice, the term ruthless comes to mind !
There are magnitudes though. And he's most definitely on the extreme end.

You can be tough but fair, but the Donald has a (I think even self-confessed) dislike of win-win outcomes; for him to win it's also necessary for you to lose. Hence his long history of legal issues; due to purposely screwing over so many people with whom he's done business.
I think it was Moses rather than the UK that made that decision?
...Thought it was Abraham... I am not too sure that if a Iraqi turned up (as that was the area where he was born) with his family & said that his God had given him this area of land that it would be a sound basis for a future country..... but then there are a lot worse.....
With all due respect, I find this view point to be pretty conceited and I found it rather ugly to read.
We’ve hit a lot of buzzwords here and the usual ‘talking down’ many europeans like to do to Americans, or liberals like to do to conservatives.
I find all this rather sneering and preening very dull because it doesn’t care to look at outcomes.
All of the Trump haters here have something in common, an over inflated opinion of themselves, a somewhat gleeful distain for people who don’t think like them and an inability to marry what they claim to care about, with reality.

Trump made more poor people better off than almost any democrat president or administration. If you care about the plight of such people, as the O’Briens of this world claim to, then what does the rest really matter?
Ooo he said a word you didn’t like, he’s racist, yet minorities were better under Trump. In fact more voted for him in the second run than in modern history. They must be soooo stupid. I mean that’s what you think right? How could anyone think otherwise, given you literally just implied it
So what does that make you? After you’ve done talking down to 350 million people. You’re the better man here?
You make an interesting point.

Society (mostly) regards material wealth as the principal measure of status and success. These perceptions are reinforced by the media in its reporting of news, film, TV, celebrity etc.

There are exceptions - those who take pleasure from contributing to the well being of others, for whom pursuit of the material seems shallow, who have reached a point in life's journey where health, relationships etc take priority. They are the minority.

But for many, continually challenged to afford the basics in life, it is easy to believe acquisition of the baubles will solve life's problems - cars, houses, clothes, jewellery etc. They also believe the perception by others of their status will be enhanced by the material.

Trump builds upon these aspirations - a vote for Trump will be an enabler of personal success. That it is ultimately shallow, may not deliver happiness, achieves its goals through denial of others, etc is not the point.

It is the philosophy of self interest in action - "make America great again" and "make me great". His popularity is no surprise - there is a clarity of intent many are very happy to endorse. That the ideology is simplistic and at its heart, unfair, is not a concern to his supporters.

Criticism will not change sentiment. His supporters need to be sold a better, more convincing, alternative future - one to which they will willingly switch support.
This is more of the same ignorance of snobbery.
Here you are, the smartest most perceptive man on the forum, talking down to a former and likely future leader of the ‘free world’ lol

Pat yourself on the back. You did it! He’s such a moron.
I think we should have an award for the most ignorant post on the forum each month. How about the Farage award with a dream prize - a weekend in a Clacton boarding house with a three in a bed romp with Nigel himself and Dicky Tice?
The Republicans main attack line on the Democrats was "Biden is too old to be President and he is suffering cognitive decline"

how the tables have turned....Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in US history + he is noticeably suffering cognitive decline

And we'll never hear that argument ever again from the republican camp :LOL:

This is the difference between Republican and Democrat.
All of the Trump haters here have something in common
Maybe they find it hard to accept the harder approach or that you cannot win a sword fight with a feather duster. It is sad how the UK has drifted from where it used to be to become some wobbly jelly that trembles in the corner frightened to just be honest and say what it really thinks or would like to do.
...Thought it was Abraham... I am not too sure that if a Iraqi turned up (as that was the area where he was born) with his family & said that his God had given him this area of land that it would be a sound basis for a future country..... but then there are a lot worse.....
Looking back over 5000 years to establish which group have a "rightful" claim to the territory (now Israel and Palestine) would be an exercise is futility - countless claims, many conflicting, none convincing, etc. A complete waste of time.

Looking back just 75-100 years with well recorded records of who said what, when, and why will provide no consistent agreed answer satisfactory to all claimants. Even a jury type majority judgement (eg: 10:2) is unlikely to provide resolution.

ALL the focus should be on finding a stable long term solution to the current impasse.
  • agree what the real priorities of each party are - land, security, decent infrastructure etc - in general there is likely to be little difference between the parties
  • discussion of regional history should form no part of the debate - it is an emotive barrier to a solution not an enabler
  • negotiations must involve all involved - not just Israel and Hamas. A group dynamic may enable compromise where individual positions would otherwise become entrenched
  • the UN, US and Europe should find a way to force compromise and compliance - sanctions, economic support, military (??) to ensure agreement is not unreasonably delayed.
Maybe they find it hard to accept the harder approach or that you cannot win a sword fight with a feather duster. It is sad how the UK has drifted from where it used to be to become some wobbly jelly that trembles in the corner frightened to just be honest and say what it really thinks or would like to do.
There's a common caricature of the left, promoted mainly by the right-wing media, that it is all touchy feely, over sensitive etc - yet all the successful revolutions in recent centuries, at least in the west, have been at the hands of the left. They didn't use feather dusters to disrupt or overturn the extant social order.
Maybe they find it hard to accept the harder approach or that you cannot win a sword fight with a feather duster. It is sad how the UK has drifted from where it used to be to become some wobbly jelly that trembles in the corner frightened to just be honest and say what it really thinks or would like to do.
That may be your perception of the UK. It isn't mine.
Looking back over 5000 years to establish which group have a "rightful" claim to the territory (now Israel and Palestine) would be an exercise is futility - countless claims, many conflicting, none convincing, etc. A complete waste of time.
Unfortunately there are deeply held religious views (on all sides) that do not concur with you on that Terry.
I disagree, I’ve watched him, he really does care about the people and America you only have to look at his policies. Tough luck for the rest of the world, including the uk. I think if he was a Narcissist he would be trying to please everyone for the kudos. But no, he knows what needs to be done for his Country and sod the rest of us.
Out of interest could you name some actual things he has done. I am genuinely interested to learn what things he actually did right or is going to do right.

From my understanding he has mostly profitted from his time in power and given tax breaks to the rich. He always seems to have some amazing brilliant plan to sort out whatever thing it is e.g healthcare, that is two weeks away from being shown to everyone. But no one ever actually sees it. Just like Elon Musk tells everyone his new thing is working NOW, and 5 years later you still can't buy it.
Out of interest could you name some actual things he has done. I am genuinely interested to learn what things he actually did right or is going to do right.

From my understanding he has mostly profitted from his time in power and given tax breaks to the rich. He always seems to have some amazing brilliant plan to sort out whatever thing it is e.g healthcare, that is two weeks away from being shown to everyone. But no one ever actually sees it. Just like Elon Musk tells everyone his new thing is working NOW, and 5 years later you still can't buy it.
Like the wall. How much was actually built, and how much of it did the Mexicans pay for ?
Delaney said:

Here you are, the smartest most perceptive man on the forum, talking down to a former and likely future leader of the ‘free world’ lol

When did he win that election? I don't remember voting in it. When is the next one scheduled for?
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