US Election November 5th

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So why did the Uk and others decide to stick some Jewish state into the middle of it knowing that it would be a catalyst for ongoing conflict and suffering for so many for decades to come. Yes another failure for western leadership yet again.

There is no excuse that can be acceptable to anyone who lives in a civilised society, genocide and the deliberate killing of civilians is illegal under the geneva convention and any leader who supports such actions has to be equally guilty of genocide. Even more important is that it is inhumane to standby and watch let alone condone and supply the weapons needed so this is really degrading the supporters of genocide and the countries involved to bring them down to a level of being nothing more than the same as the butchers of Israel.

So what is the solution, Israel has blatantly ignored everyone and undertaken many landgrabs and have become nothing more than a military led dictatorship that places no value on life unless it is jewish and must be stopped before they start a war that would escalate out of control. First step would be to stop all arms trade to israel and then force them to live within the boundaries set out in 1947 and surrender all stolen land, if they fail to comply then basically disown them and let countries like Iran and North Korea put them back in there place.

Failing to object to the slaughter of civilians and taking action to stop this is just as bad as supporting it, no such thing as an innocent bystander.

Swing west hey, the americans seem in as much if not more political turmoil than here in the uk, what a choice they have with sleepy Joe replaced by a giggling fool and then trump. How do they approach there problem, someone who might do well with home affairs but no hope on the world stage or someone who might not do as well with home affairs but have a presence on the world stage. Be interesting to get Putins thoughts on this or Kim Jong's.
How are you in a position to call Kamala Harris a "giggling fool"?
You've simply echoed something the Trump campaign has said.
Have you been in the States for most of this last year listening to her? No you haven’t, but I have, and I stand by what I said. She just isn’t Presidential material, her as President? It’s a joke.
Kamala is a less viable option than Biden tbh. The democratic party have circumvented a democratic vote that elected Biden to be the next candidate because they are now concerned he will not and cannot win. On top of that, as you say, she is not presidential material. Her policies are horrendous.
As much as Trump is not a very nice guy to say the least, he is, in my opinion, the only viable option for America over the next 4 years.

Seems most here are fairly left wing so that won't float with a lot of you but if you really get into the US politics with unbiased glasses on, the Biden administration has been catastrophic in their running the country the last 4 years, their policy has massively weakened them on the world stage.

As much as a lot of us Brits like to think the UK is a major player and key to world stability and up their with the US (a view I very much held when living in the UK), until you live next door to them and travel extensively throughout the US, then only do your realise they are the only viable option to maintaining world order when considering the rising threats Russia, China and Iran pose. The UK, Canadian and other major European governments are puny in comparison and don't have the ability to work together as one nation like the US is. Unfortunately for many, Trump is the only option in my opinion to re-establish the US as the one major super-power, which like it or not, is needed because.

So much in this day and age, especially with younger generations is believing everyone is good, especially Eastern countries where in reality, their governments (thinking China, Russia, Iran, Gaza etc) are fundamentally evil and have no interest at all in world peace.
Yes it does seem that a lot on here are left wing, but I think they just shout louder.
What you have said here is spot on, like you I have been there a lot and it’s fairly obvious how disastrous the Biden administration has been. Until I experienced it I wasn’t aware just how left wing the Democrats were.
Also interesting how they control nearly all the press and tv.
As much as a lot of us Brits like to think the UK is a major player and key to world stability
Unless you are honest and can see how far the UK has fallen over the last thirty years, this is a major part in the current problems facing the UK in that we are trying to punch far above our weight and sinking in the process. One reason why many might not like trump could be his attitude to europe and the Uk who he says need to stand on their own feet and not be so reliant on US for military support so they feel vunerable.

How are you in a position to call Kamala Harris a "giggling fool"?
I have a Tv that I watch.

Yes it does seem that a lot on here are left wing
Being past centre to the left just leaves you wide open to being pushed around by others, you need to be a gnats cock to the right of centre.
One reason why many might not like trump could be his attitude to europe
… another may be that he thinks it’s okay to grab women by their unmentionables just because he’s a billionaire … or thought injecting with bleach would clear up Covid.

It’s not a matter of right versus left wing politics IMHO.
The idea that trump is presidential material is deeply disturbing. I truly can't get my head round how dysfunctional a society that thinks he is must be.
He's presidential material when compared to Kamala/Joe on the other side of the field. The media is incredibly biased (majority of the time to the left) but if you actually do some research, look back at some past interviews of all candidates, its startling. Theres several interviews in years gone by where Trump has stood for issues that are front of mind today (black rights etc.) where Joe and Kamala have had videos and interviews that are so jolting you can only question how they are where they are now.

Trump has had smear campaign after smear campaign launched after him. Not saying he hasnt done anything wrong, I am sure he has but he also has been attacked in a way very few people have by pretty much all of the major news outlets. The fact that he is frequently compared to Hitler by the left to me is absolutely insane.
He's presidential material when compared to Kamala/Joe on the other side of the field. The media is incredibly biased (majority of the time to the left) but if you actually do some research, look back at some past interviews of all candidates, its startling. Theres several interviews in years gone by where Trump has stood for issues that are front of mind today (black rights etc.) where Joe and Kamala have had videos and interviews that are so jolting you can only question how they are where they are now.

Trump has had smear campaign after smear campaign launched after him. Not saying he hasnt done anything wrong, I am sure he has but he also has been attacked in a way very few people have by pretty much all of the major news outlets. The fact that he is frequently compared to Hitler by the left to me is absolutely insane.
Compared to Hitler by his running mate, no less!
I don't live in America, but I have six brothers in law who do, and they all think Trump is a total disaster.
The idea that trump is presidential material is deeply disturbing. I truly can't get my head round how dysfunctional a society that thinks he is must be.
Yet under Trump, poor people had more opportunity.

What’s more important, your hurt sensibilities or real world outcomes?
How are you in a position to call Kamala Harris a "giggling fool"?
You've simply echoed something the Trump campaign has said.
Just a giggling fool who prosecuted and jailed loads of criminal idiots like Trump.

Unlike people who inherit a real estate business from their far right slumlord dad, you don't get to be an AG without being really smart. Anyone with half a brain would acknowledge that (it's as true for right wing AGs).
Just a giggling fool who prosecuted and jailed loads of criminal idiots like Trump.

Unlike people who inherit a real estate business from their far right slumlord dad, you don't get to be an AG without being really smart. Anyone with half a brain would acknowledge that (it's as true for right wing AGs).
This is more of the same ignorance of snobbery.
Here you are, the smartest most perceptive man on the forum, talking down to a former and likely future leader of the ‘free world’ lol

Pat yourself on the back. You did it! He’s such a moron.
Yet under Trump, poor people had more opportunity.
What things did he do whilst in office that gave poor people more opportunity? That's a genuine question; I don't follow US politics closely enough to know what actual policies were put into action.
The economy is getting expensive under Biden. I live here, You just hear what the news lets You hear. We here hear a little more than that. 10 million illegal aliens tells Me what He thinks of Our country. I have heard several of Camilla's chats and think She would do better keeping Her Mouth shut. Trump would do better keeping His mouth shut also, but I believe His love of Our country makes His faults insignificant.
He's presidential material when compared to Kamala/Joe on the other side of the field. The media is incredibly biased (majority of the time to the left) but if you actually do some research, look back at some past interviews of all candidates, its startling. Theres several interviews in years gone by where Trump has stood for issues that are front of mind today (black rights etc.) where Joe and Kamala have had videos and interviews that are so jolting you can only question how they are where they are now.

Trump has had smear campaign after smear campaign launched after him. Not saying he hasnt done anything wrong, I am sure he has but he also has been attacked in a way very few people have by pretty much all of the major news outlets. The fact that he is frequently compared to Hitler by the left to me is absolutely insane.
I wonder why? Could it be simply because the man is a total a-hole?
He's also no slouch when it comes to smear campaigns.
I can understand how some dirt poor rustbelt Americans might feel that Trump is some sort of mould-breaking politician(even though I don't believe he gives a 5h1t about such people), but I am astonished that anyone looking at him from this side of the Atlantic could be taken in. How many other republican politicians do you suppose really think Trump is a good candidate, as opposed to just hitching their wagon to what they perceive to be the winning faction?
The economy is getting expensive under Biden. I live here, You just hear what the news lets You hear. We here hear a little more than that. 10 million illegal aliens tells Me what He thinks of Our country. I have heard several of Camilla's chats and think She would do better keeping Her Mouth shut. Trump would do better keeping His mouth shut also, but I believe His love of Our country makes His faults insignificant.
The man's only love is for himself.
Unless you are honest and can see how far the UK has fallen over the last thirty years, this is a major part in the current problems facing the UK in that we are trying to punch far above our weight and sinking in the process. One reason why many might not like trump could be his attitude to europe and the Uk who he says need to stand on their own feet and not be so reliant on US for military support so they feel vunerable.

I have a Tv that I watch.

Being past centre to the left just leaves you wide open to being pushed around by others, you need to be a gnats cock to the right of centre.
And what foolish things has she said, according to your TV?
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