US Election November 5th

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There's a massive difference between "perceived threats" and actual attacks. Hamas have been rocketing and bombing Israel for years.
Will be interesting to see what comes out of the current Chinese talks. China have been pushing for Hamas to formally recognise Israel's right to exist, and to renounce violence. If they could accomplish that it would be pretty significant, not least in enhancing China's position on the diplomatic front, something sure to upset America.
There's a massive difference between "perceived threats" and actual attacks. Hamas have been rocketing and bombing Israel for years.
It has hardly been a one way process. Think West bank incursions, detention of thousands without trial.......
Isreal frequently feels the need to over react, recently because of pressure from the right wing. This results in the deaths of many innocent civilians and this perpetuates the cycle.....again & again....
Presumably because he will remove all support for Ukraine thereby letting his master, Pukin, take the entire country over. Who's next? Poland?
No fan of NATO either. Wether his posturing about that is serious, or just intended to get other members to actually honour their obligations remains to be seen, but if I were in Zelenski's shoes I would be worried.
I can't understand, given that Kamala Harris has polled so badly for years now, why the democrats seem to have chosen to accept her as their candidate. She will have to work doubly hard just get back to a neutral position with voters, putting trump squarely ahead.
She has not been chosen yet, its only that Biden put his support/nomination to her and the £50 million in campaign funds too.
The Democrat choice will be finalised at their Democratic National Conference.

The expectation that she will be candidate is purely on the premise that as Biden backs her for nominee, then all those that backed Biden for nominee will ack Harris.

Bit of a long armed assumption IMO.
Personally I would love to see her win. Not least because Trump hates to lose, but to lose to a woman would probably be a particularly bitter pill for the creep to swallow.
In your own words "Perish the thought that it should be about policies rather than personalities."
Lets also then look at Russia

Russia invaded Ukraine over perceived threats They have that right don't they ?
Yet Russia only has the civilian death rate in 2 years of total war(actually I don't really class it as total, but thats another point) that Israel reached in 3 months

The difference is the Russians are fighting a heavily armed national military, with all the toys(on both sides)
Were Russia to adopt the Israelis way of fighting, the civilian death toll would be over a million. But it isnt.
The Ukrainian people make up the Ukrainian military, they also produce/fix/etc weaponry, so according to the rules you're setting down, Russia would be well within its rights to carpet bomb entire cities, and make civilians as big a target as the Israelis.

What do you think would be the western reaction if Russia did that ?.

Who then are the targets Israel is focusing on ?
The Palestinian people, civilians specifically.
So all this nonsense about Hamas are embedded in the population and thus the Israelis are legitimized in bombing them is utter nonsense. The Israelis are targeting the population, not to try to kill Hamas, but to kill civilians.

We have a term for that. We call it ethnic cleansing.
I don't agree.

The stated intent of Hamas is the destruction of the State of Israel - a threat against which Israel have every right to to defend itself.

Russian reason for invading Ukraine - demilitarise and denazify+ liberation of Donetsk. Whether Russian claims are justified is debatable - but Ukraine posed no threat to the existence of Russia.

Comparing Ukraine to Gaza is a nonsense - Gaza 360 sq km and 2m population, 603,000 sq km and a population of 38m.

This is not to excuse what is happening in Gaza - wars are fundamentally unpleasant.

WW2 saw 40m civilian deaths - many from allied bombing and shelling, etc of civilian areas. Most regarded this as a price worth paying to defeat evil - although some regard the bombing of (for instance) Cologne, Dresden etc as indiscriminate without regard for casualties.
I reckon Harrison Ford should stand, as he has previously 'played' POTUS!
After all, look back at Ronny Reagan, that was his best roll when he 'played' POTUS! The special effects were pretty good too, look at how realistic the assassination attempt appeared! :ROFLMAO:
Stuart you’ve posted this in the wrong thread…

We can’t be having jokes in politics threads.
Biden drops out.

5 months later ...

Trump gets elected

2 years later ...

Media attacks Biden for dropping out and allowing Trump to romp home.

A bit like the stuff we get off brexiteers today ...
"This isn't the brexit we voted for"
Maybe: Media attacks Biden for not dropping out a year earlier. One things has been clear for at least that lonmg: that there is NO chance that either Biden or Trump would still be sufficiently 'compos mentis' to function as President come mid-January 2029
She has not been chosen yet, its only that Biden put his support/nomination to her and the £50 million in campaign funds too.
The Democrat choice will be finalised at their Democratic National Conference.

The expectation that she will be candidate is purely on the premise that as Biden backs her for nominee, then all those that backed Biden for nominee will ack Harris.

Bit of a long armed assumption IMO.
Let me make this prediction: the next POTUS will either Trump, or Michell Obama – if they can persuade her to overcome her deep reluctance, and accept that it's her DUTY to stand: the only person who can beat Trump
The Gaza apologists perhaps ought to reflect on the brutality of Hamas on 7th October.

Israel has every right to defend itself. The US and Europe are right in supporting a democracy rather than the terrorist, dictatorship and unstable which "govern" many parts of the Middle East,

The above is not to suggest all is OK:
  • the Israeli response appears "disproportionate" in the context of the impacts on the civilian population (see next bullet)
  • Hamas have lost the battle, yet will not surrender. Hamas, who operate embedded in the civilian infrastructure must take some responsibility for impact on civilian population
  • the stated strategy of eliminating Hamas seems flawed - they will return under another banner with numbers reinforced by the fall out from the destruction and death wrought
  • it is unclear if there is a wider strategy at play to force the international community to actively find a solution - something they have failed to do in 75 years of instability and conflict.
Genocide is a damning accusation - according to the UN definition:

To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.

Israel will claim (with some justification) that their goal is the defeat of Hamas, a terrorist group who started the current conflict. That civilians were caught in the cross-fire, given Hamas tactics was inevitable.

None of this makes it good or acceptable - but a step change is required to find a more permanent stable solution, without which conflict will repeat every 5-15 years!
You're 100% correct IMO
The problem is, that won't fit on a bumper sticker or T-shirt
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Ed Weber said:

Yes, it's such an easy position to be in when you only look at one side.
Being a head of state is not as simple as your posts would suggest. Knee-jerk reaction are rarely the answer.

And yet Biden kept doing just that, repeatedly!
More weapons, more bombs, more rockets, more howitzer shells (diverted from Ukraine apparently), more money for bombs, diplomatic cover for the slaughter and guess what happened?
40,000+ people slaughtered, the majority of them women and children and Biden calls that Israel defending itself!
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In defense of Joe Biden I think he had a tough job. He has to make consequential decisions in an uncertain world the results of which may not be known for decades. I don't necessarily agree with everything he's done but I believe he's trying to do what's best for the country. He can't help getting old, nor can any of us, but I think he's done an admirable job considering the hand he was dealt.
The Gaza apologists perhaps ought to reflect on the brutality of Hamas on 7th October.

Israel has every right to defend itself.
Indeed, it does - but in advance of the 7th October, we should reflect on the treatment of Palestinians in Gaza for decades. Gaza has the right to defend itself from the forces that illegally control it, effectively making their people prisoners ensnared in poverty.
Terry – Somerset said:

The Gaza apologists perhaps ought to reflect on the brutality of Hamas on 7th October.

And ignore the brutality of the Israeli state? 40,000 + dead. The majority of them women and children

Israel has every right to defend itself.

But their not defending themselves. Their slaughtering the civilian population on a massive scale.

The US and Europe are right in supporting a democracy rather than the terrorist, dictatorship and unstable which "govern" many parts of the Middle East,

Which category does Egypt, Bahrain or Saudi Arabia fit in? They are fully supported by the US and Europe. Apparently murdering and chopping up a journalist in its embassy does not upset Biden too much.

Try expressing an objection to the slaughter in Gaza in that supposed bastion of democracy, Israel , and see what happens. A quick google should help if your unaware.

the Israeli response appears "disproportionate" in the context of the impacts on the civilian population (see next bullet)

Somewhat of an understatement!

Hamas have lost the battle, yet will not surrender. Hamas, who operate embedded in the civilian infrastructure must take some responsibility for impact on civilian population

The bombs (mainly supplied by Biden) are being dropped by Israel.

The excuse “He made me do it “ is for children in a school yard.

Genocide is a damning accusation - according to the UN definition:

To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.

That's why the International Court of Justice has decided not to dismiss the case brought by South Africa against Israel alleging genocide.

Israel will claim (with some justification) that their goal is the defeat of Hamas, a terrorist group who started the current conflict. That civilians were caught in the cross-fire, given Hamas tactics was inevitable.

Dropping one ton bomb’s on a tented village’s is not “crossfire”. Demolishing a 10 storey apartment building with missiles is not “crossfire”. Starving a civilian population to death is not “crossfire”. Chasing humanitarian workers across Gaza with missiles until all are dead is not “crossfire”.
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The stated intent of Hamas is the destruction of the State of Israel - a threat against which Israel have every right to to defend itself.

But do they really. The region of Palestine was always a mixed region, with Christian, Muslim and Jewish owning land there.
Over the centuries that became whittled down to Jewish and Muslim, and while there were small numbers of Jews and Christians, the predominant people were Muslim.
They have been supplanted by Jewish people farmed in from all over the world, who have no forebears from that region.

The American Amish are mostly in Pennsylvania. So does that mean that the state belongs to the Amish ? Or Scientology formed in Los Angeles, so does that mean Los Angeles belongs to the Scientologists.
Keep in mind these are religions, and only formed in some areas, but because thats where they formed, does that mean they have an automatic right to that land. Certainly it wasnt 'Gifted By God' because the God of today is not the god, or gods people have worshiped over the millennia.

No religion has claim, all religions have claim, perhaps only in a spiritual sense, but there it ends. They have no right to take the entire region for themselves and expelling or killing those living there so they can settle members of their own religion.

Anyway, this is a bit serious, so lets stop this here and i'll pop in a bit of humour, with a religious overtone ;)
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