HMRC email

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Staff member
7 Aug 2003
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I've been discussing an issue with a branch of HMRC. It's trade rather just tax etc.
I got an email this morning requesting documents etc. A few minutes later I get a further email from the same person saying "....would like to recall the message..." and quoted the title of the first email. That was it.
Can I assume recall means cancelling the email sent, that I can ignore it?
Life is too short to call them, I gave up after an hour last week. An email reply takes a few days but I'd rather not if it was sent in error.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, they're obviously using Outlook/Office 365 for their e-mail. It has a recall feature that when the end user opens the recall message it would automatically delete the original one (referenced in the subject), in effect recalling it. Of course, that's a proprietary MS thing, so anyone not using O365/Outlook will just get what you get; an empty message saying recall:zxy with nothing else happening.

It's safe to say that the person who sent you that message thinks you will never see the original recalled one. So I'd say ignore it. Although it won't cost you anything to hit reply and ask just in case.
Hi @Noel - agreed with above advice from @benhen31 - I'd reply to the original mail to get them clarify in B&W if the request for docs has been cancelled and mention the recall & ensure you get a confirmation reply off them just in case.