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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
Reaction score
In the eternally wet North
...bloody Wimbledon!

I accept that there are many many people who love watching it.

So why can't the bloody BBC simply stick sodding Wimbledon 24/7 on one channel and leave the other channel to have normal programming? That way, if you don't want to watch Wimbledon, you can look to see what the alternative is and if you don't like it read a book. Not these ruddy overruns and cancelled programmes.
studders":1k7ram6z said:
adidat":1k7ram6z said:
Dibs-h":1k7ram6z said:
+1! :mrgreen:



Moi too.

And you can add Glastonbury(sp?) to that too. Not that I dislike it as such but.. BBC2 and BBC3 and BBC4?? Why not just put it on one flamin channel?

I agree - and would add the cricket on Radio 4 long wave (I live in an area of very poor radio reception and can only get Radio 4 long wave in my workshop) - What I find *really* annoying is that when bad weather means the cricket isn't actually being played, Radio 4 long wave just broadcasts the cricket comentators wibbling on between themselves - sometimes for several hours while they wait to see if the rain stops! Why do they not go back to the usual programme scheduling when there is no actual cricket being played?

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