Hi thanks, I did eventually manage to get the chuck off, with difficulty.If you go to the Clarke website you can download the manual for it, there are loads and don't know your model. Looked at a couple and they have a taper fit chuck. You might need to get a wedge type tool to remove it, but it almost certainly does come off, never come across one of any make where the chuck cannot be removed, but they are often pretty stubborn.
I know the collar is not the greatest quality part, it looks very similar to the one on mine, which is a Wickes own branded one, and not particularly robust !
Have you looked at what they charge for a new one? The manuals generally have an exploded drawing with part numbers, so should be easy enough to find out if it is available and at what price.
I had to grip the pulley inside the top tightly, put a rod in the chuck key hole and hit it with a big hammer to twist it off.
The inner barrel of the chuck is smooth and keys into a slight taper coming from the drive shaft with a friction fit