House Extension - NEW PICTURES!!!

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Established Member
17 Oct 2007
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Turning MDF into gold in a northern town
As mentioned on another thread, we are having an extension built with work commencing in a couple of weeks. Although not directly woodwork related, it will feature some hopefully impressive interior carpentry by my goodself including a rather tasty walnut kitchen.

Work should take 3-4 months - it'll be all over by Christmas.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We are starting with a very bog standard 3-bed semi



Then by taking out the rear corner where the kitchen is now and adding to the back and side we will have a huge kitchen/living area together with a small study and a cloakroom.



I have agreed a fixed price of £28k with the builder for all the actual construction work up to roof and windows and including drainage. I will then take over and manage the other tradesmen for all the internals. All internal woody bits I will do myself in hardwood rather than the usual painted softwood.

I've never done anything remotely like this myself before but have worked on enough kitchens in new-build extensions to know that plenty can go wrong!

I'll keep you posted.

Brad :lol:
Looking forward to this one. Plenty of pics please! ;)
Good luck Brad !
Extensions are fun - think I've been doing mine for three years now.. maybe four. Kind of lost track of time as I sit here rocking gently, occasionally banging the wall with my head :)
Very satisfying when you can do things to your own standards - or in my case learn everything from scratch !
Keep us posted.
Bye Ed

good luck with the extension. Expect you will get lots of brownie points off the missus for this one!

Like the little ditty at the end of your post about caulkable, didn't know you Northern boys worked to such tolerances. :lol:

Good luck with your extension. I've been doing mine now for probably 2 yrs, but in my case have done everything myself and I mean everything, on wkends or the odd day off.
Good luck Brad. I hope the builders keep to schedule :D Most Kitchens Furniture etc I do for new builds or extensions are usually delayed by at least a month or so.

[/quote]I've never done anything remotely like this myself before but have worked on enough kitchens in new-build extensions to know that plenty can go wrong

thats bad news for the builder
JonnyD":3900a84e said:
Good luck Brad. I hope the builders keep to schedule :D


builders ??? he isnt using builders - he'll do it himself entirely out of mdf , obviously :D :lol:
Looks like it will give you some nice extra space there Brad. Looking forward to seeing the kitchen install :D


big soft moose":29eid36i said:
JonnyD":29eid36i said:
Good luck Brad. I hope the builders keep to schedule :D


builders ??? he isnt using builders - he'll do it himself entirely out of mdf , obviously :D :lol:

I did give serious consideration to doing it myself with timber frame construction; however once the architect came up with the idea of replacing the corner of the house with steel girders I lost enthusiasm...
BradNaylor":3743dnq5 said:
Karl":3743dnq5 said:
Looks like it will give you some nice extra space there Brad. Looking forward to helping with the kitchen install :D




Fixed it for you.



BradNaylor":2e87dtee said:
Jeez Karl,

You were on here at 12.50am, and again at 4.00!

Do you never sleep?

At least I got a fairly early night. I'm glad you're not working for me today!



I know, sad isn't it!

I've got a throat infection, which makes sleeping for more than a couple of hours nigh on impossible.

I'm not working this week as SWMBO is doing an intensive Lifeguard course, so i'm looking after the kids all week.

Still, the antibiotics are starting to kick in, the kids are off to my mums for a couple of sleepovers on Friday/Saturday and it's my birthday on Saturday, so at least i've got something to look forward too. :D


BradNaylor":3qtakrg9 said:
Work should take 3-4 months - it'll be all over by Christmas.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


we started some extensions just before Christmas 07, by Christmas 08 we where all plastered out and I was laying the floor topping. Now its august 09 and i'm just about to finish glossing a few window sills and thats down stairs done :shock: Well we did add six more rooms :x .

hope you have fun with it Brad, looks like it should be a interesting build.

Looks good except...

Something has been bothering me ever since I looked at your plans yesterday... The steps straight outside the double doors... Feels to me as though there should be a platform before the steps?

Maybe it's just me :?
BradNaylor":26f44i08 said:
I did give serious consideration to doing it myself with timber frame construction; however once the architect came up with the idea of replacing the corner of the house with steel girders I lost enthusiasm...

Just out of interest> did you get as far as costing the framing for a DIY job? I've been contemplating a similar 'wrap-around' extension in timber (possibly using SIPs) but leaving the corner of the old house in place.

I have heard that some local planning depts are averse to using timber framing in extensions for some reason :?

Good luck with the build, anyway! :D

Bryn :)
I posted a picture in Dans other thread of a very similar extension I built on my last house. I had a similar level issue on mine - this was my solution;



I know not everyone likes decking, but this worked brilliantly for us.

Cheers, Ed
My, my, lovely avatar, this place is becoming positively laid back, I remember the good old days when I was banned for displaying a picture of a fat man in his underpants :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Please see below (don't look if your offended by big fellas in their pants)


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