I've watched a fair few of these, and while he does do a great job, and exposes the shoddy practices involved by some tradesmen, I think he's a little unfair with his occasional rant as he rips stuff out, constantly referring to 'look, I can't believe it, they've built this to minimum code, it's not good enough'.
It's not the fault of the guy who installed it, if code (or our own building regs) state that you can use a certain size timber or whatever and it proves to flex or fail (he always rants about joist thickness and spacings) then it's the fault of the people who set the rules for 'code', not the guy doing it.
You have to ask yourself, if you were a tradesman, looking for work and having to price, if by working to the minimum code you could save money and keep the cost down and in doing so, get the job, would you do so? After all, the regulations are there for both parties to use.
OK, you could tell the homeowner that in your opinion you think minimum code isn't enough, but homeowners often work to budgets as well, so bump up the price to accomodate extra materials and your chances of getting the job may diminish. Not only that, they can, and do in some instances, see this as the tradesman loading the cost to try and get more money by pulling the wool over their eyes.
Anyway, yes, he knows his stuff, but by quoting minimum code as a failure, he should start a campaign in Canada to get minimum code beefed up, but he'd probaby find he's not on the telly so much! :roll: :wink:
just my 2p...