M4 sharpens easily on a progression of:
* Medium Crystolon
* Fine India
* (cheap) hard arkansas, as in, not a real trans or black stone
You can feel a mild amount of abrasion resistance on the crystolon stone, but not much, and a giant wire edge raises on a full bevel pretty quickly.
My stone is in an oil bath. I'm sure that helps, it's both full of oil and not clogged with any particles.
I use this chisel only for trimming metal and wood flush (on infill planes), so it sees little use, but I'll sharpen it with these from now on.
The microscope shows no funny business at the edge like I saw with washita and A2, and no lack of finish, etc. I'll take pictures later, and then do what I'd do to finish an oiled edge of really tough steel ( loose cuttings from japanese stones - dust - on jasper with WD40).