I think you have seriously under estimated the impact of this recession, the worlds governments have seriously made a monumental balls up of all this. The youth of today will face long term economic devastation. Furloughed employees are generally loving it yet one in 4 is effectively unemployed.
Universities are being destroyed, as are airlines, restraunts, pubs, cinemas, theatres, shops, hospitality etc etc.
People are generally very slow to see a recession, I have spoken to plenty of people who say "it's not affecting me"..... of course it isn't you wally, give it a year.
Guys working from home refusing to come back into the office because WFH is going well and it suits them, they don't understand that now is the time to be sucking up to the boss as he has serious decisions to make.
I don't know of any bosses (reasonable size) who aren't looking to get rid of people and cut costs.
I've started to impliment changes, I reckon I can save £30,000 a year with little impact on my business, trucks have been returned as they were just for vanity, employment costs are being looked at big time, etc.
If you're sitting at home furloughed and loving it, good for you, enjoy the moment.
The fact the chancellor said you are going to see a recession like never before may give you a clue, normally it's said in a gentle manner "there maybe a slight downturn" he didn't pussy cat foot around.
If it lasts a decade I reckon we will have done alright.
As you can see from the above I think the cure has been worse than the disease, my opinion is mine and probably a load of dung and I hope i'm wrong.