Guns,guns, and more Guns

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All this sounds like hoarding, some people can live minimalistic lifestyles whilst others hoard and in the case of our monachy it is definately a case of hoarding, keeping hold of something with little use in case it comes in handy one day. To make it worse we also have kept all the associated baggage and trimmings that have become attached to it over the years, so is it not time for the truth to come out, lets see how many breaks in that so called royal linage by giving them ancestory DNA test and see how many of us have royal connections.
My point is we're in the fantasy realm talking about that kind of thing in general - first that some group is going to stage some kind of rebellion, and second that it would follow into wide spread bombing of citizens. Neither is going to happen, and both in the row, even less likely.
But, but, but...... isn't that the whole justification for the existence of the 2nd Amendment? If it's all such a fantastical scenario why is it still here?
Given how keen some of the ancestors were on distributing royal favour, I can imagine there would be quite a few! I just love the way she sails serenely on. The occupants of the monkey house we call the house of commons could certainly learn from her example.
But, but, but...... isn't that the whole justification for the existence of the 2nd Amendment? If it's all such a fantastical scenario why is it still here?
No different to our monarchy, you get something in place and you become stuck with it forever, good, bad or indifferent.
That's pretty much what most of us see about the royal family; the tabloids at the supermarket. Not sure how many of them sell.
If they didn't sell they wouldn't be there.
Anyway I'm no fan of Royalty or governments for that matter, but it seems to me that POTUS has sort of taken on royal status.

It appears to me a lot of things are done by executive order nowadays, is that any different than the Queens pleasure?
If they didn't sell they wouldn't be there.
Anyway I'm no fan of Royalty or governments for that matter, but it seems to me that POTUS has sort of taken on royal status.

It appears to me a lot of things are done by executive order nowadays, is that any different than the Queens pleasure?

Executive orders are usually toothless or based on execution of law already in place. They can't be an expansion of power.

And, we elected the president.
Executive orders are usually toothless or based on execution of law already in place. They can't be an expansion of power.
I genuinely don't understand.
Do you mean by toothless, that it has no effect?
If the law is already in place, why does it take an executive order to activate it?
The democracy isn't remotely close to as fragile as the news likes to make it out to be
Trump did his best to destroy democracy, but the American voting system resisted his attempts to bypass democracy.

I think that is proof America is democratic, not that democracy is that real anywhere really.
And, we elected the president
its not so much elect as choose between 2 dung choices, billionaire A or billionaire B

Trump or Biden
Clinton or Trump.

as opposed to
Johnson or Corbyn…….
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Is anything done "by the queen's pleasure"?
But to get back to the original topic, if it's not the ubiquity of guns that leads to the very high gun death rate in the US, compared with other civilized countries, then what other theories are proposed?
I remember a reporter interviewing workers leaving one of the car factories in Detroit. He asked one guy who he was going to vote for out of Reagan and, I believe, Ford?
His reply "Some choice huh, a movie star or a bum", priceless!
...But Guns don't kill people. People kill people...

And if you give them ready access to guns they can do it quickly and efficiently while they're still angry - before they've had a chance to cool down and think about it.

No. People with guns kill people. It's very rare for a gun to kill anyone without another person being involved. Australia did the experiment for you. I'm sick of people trotting out trite phrases like "guns don't kill people". Total bo11ocks.

Quite right.

Cheers, Vann.
And if you give them ready access to guns they can do it quickly and efficiently while they're still angry - before they've had a chance to cool down and think about it.
Works for a knife, golf club or bare hands just the same.
That is a formality, as you know. Not comparable to an executive order.
It's a fact.

I don't know much/anything really about executive orders, waiting for DW to fill me in.

John Brown said:
I'm sick of people trotting out trite phrases like "guns don't kill people". Total bo11ocks.

Lets get real, anything from a pebble up through rocks, clubs, arrows etc can be used to kill people.

There is a deep seated fear in people when it comes to guns, mostly from people who know nothing about them.

So out come the knee jerk reaction, ban them.

You said Australia did the experiment.

So tell us what was the outcome of the Australian experiment. Have there been no more murders?

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