Established Member
How is it "logical" to arbitrarily nominate energy supply tech as in need of a purely financial cost benefit analysis when such an analysis is never considered for several other large-cost life-enhancing or supporting technologies such as cars , holidays, woodworking tools and so forth? The fact that one can recover capital outlay in terms of energy costs saved is surely a great advantage not offered by many other purchases of life-enhancing techs. +1 for solar, batteries et al.Because that is a very illogical argument. There is no possible opportunity to 'get your money back' with any of those items. But there is with reduced electricity bills over time.
In your New Statesman article, the author Jan Rosenow is hardly unbiased.
BUT PLEASE. If you want to have a debate whatever about all things wonderful and your private hobbyhorse then start your own thread and don't derail mine, thank you.
How is providing the wider picture and alternatives to your question "derailing your thread"? No derailment; and its not "your thread" but a public forum to which all may contribute.
I realise that you may find some of the stuff I posted uncomfortable - but that's life, reality, facts etc.. Rather than try to ignore that, why not respond to the points made? I'm hoping that you'll find a better answer than infra red panels to your issue ..... because there are much better answers.
Use of "green" tech is hardly my "private hobbyhorse". It may be central to our very survival as a species, impinging on just about every aspect of future human (and other) life on the planet.