Exploding Pagers - Lebanon


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So you say the Palestinian people live under the thumb of Hamas.So if israel are the victims, aren't the Palestinian people also the victims ?.
Why then are israel murdering vast swathes of them.

You do agree though that Israels actions are criminal and possibly even genocidal ?

Triton, you insist on an emotional, biased perspective. For example, compare the IDF's precision targeting of Hama and Hezbollah military (the very recent pager bombs are an example of this, as is the dropping of leaflets into areas where Hamas soldiers hide to move the civilians out if harm's way). If Israel really wanted to genocide the Palastinian peoples, they would not go to these lengths.

By contrast, pay attention to the continual lobbing of rockets into Israel - many thousands - which have occured on a daily basis from Gaza and Lebanon. These are not directed as specific miliatry targets, but just in the general direction of Israeli cities. This has been going on for many decades.

Lastly, you are quick to cite the death and injured numbers given by Hamas. They are waging a war of propaganda. You are a victim of their propaganda (you really need to try not to be so gullible). In this, Hamas are winning because so many appear to be willing to believe their fudging of numbers. Plus, the leaders of Hamas have absolutely no concern that their civilians are dying for their actions (why not give up the hostages? Israel would have no reason to continue the search for their people). The leaders of Hamas do not live (or did not live since some are now dead) in Gaza. They instead live a good life elsewhere on the billions syphoned from aid money intended for the Palastinian populations.

Stop being so bigotted that you shut your mind to what is propaganda and what is truth.

Regards from Perth

You do agree though that Israels actions are criminal and possibly even genocidal ?

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