Nice, but nowhere near good enough, though. Many tradesmen here, especially those who work on larger sites, on interior fit-out, etc use far smaller vehicles - think Transit Connect, Berlingo, VW Caddy Kangoo and the like. A tank like an F150 is just too big to get into city parking spaces in Europe. The problem is that when you are looking at a 600 to 900kg vehicles the current type available stuff (like the Kangoo EV) have insufficient range and load capacity. Try going from Manchester to Edinburgh with 750kg of tools and ironmongery in the back in any of the currently available small EV Van's and in cold weather you won't even get there. Another issue is that construction sites just don't have the necessary infrastructure to support a large number of electric vans (onany given day in the last 2 years my present main site would have needed anywhere from 50 to 200 chargers). So unless there is a major sea change in the way major contractors approach the job, then going electric isn't going to work. And that's before you start to consider the needs of guys living in flats or terraced houses without their own charge points at home.