Double fail for Amazon

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5 Mar 2017
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Shepton Mallet, UK
I bought an NMVe disk from Amazon at the weekend. It arrived Monday and I plugged it in and it formatted to 500MB not the 4TB it was supposed to be. I sent it back and ordered a second one to replace it. The second one turned up today. I opened the sealed outer envelope and discovered the security seal on the box for the disk was broken. Sure enough the box was empty. Amazon refunded me without a quibble but I’m now trying for third time lucky. As the refunds process I’m also £500 out of pocket.
What is your record for Amazon returns for a single product?
You win, if something fails to meet expectations then it goes back and is not re-ordered. The only SSD I have brought through Amazon was from the Western digital shop but everything else comes from Scan computers.
I used to buy from Scan frequently but I buy less computer parts now and the convenience of the Amazon app and one click purchase has made me a very lazy shopper.
I've had the empty box SSD through Amazon. The problem is the increase in people using it as a marketplace. A friend of mine worked for a company selling through amazon and explained how this exact problem works. If the seller is listed as "fulfilled by Amazon" or "dispatches from Amazon" then they will purchase and send stock into an amazon warehouse which is then just lumped in with the identical items from Amazon themselves and anybody else selling the item in the same fashion. Problem happens when you get people running a scam who will put in an empty box or a cheap unit into a reputable brand's box and ship it to the warehouse. These items then get selected randomly regardless of the seller so it is entirely possible people ordering from the scammer get the real deal, and other (honest) sellers end up sending the dodgy unit. My friend hasn't done this line of work for three years or so now so I am unsure if anything has changed but I can't think of a practical way of fixing it. I now rarely purchase anything expensive through Amazon, PC parts mostly come from Scan.
I recently ordered yorkshire tea for my mum in Venice, 6 boxes of 160 for €15 ish. Only one box turned up, as I suspected. Ordered again, one box again. Upside is both refunded, description was wrong, and my mum got to keep the tea.
Yes, the refunds are excellent. I do find adverts that aren't updated annoying, though. I bought silicone that is specifically advertised as overpaintable - it isn't (I got a refund, but it entailed a trip the Parcel office on a Saturday morning we could have done without), but the ad. is still the same after months. I bought soap about three years ago, the advert was misleading - it leads you to think it's for six twin packs when it's for six bars in three twin packs. This has been commented on and reported many times over three years but the advert hasn't been changed.
I recommend buying high value electronics that can be easily faked outside of Amazon and directly from the manufacturer or a trusted third party supplier listed on the manufacturer website.

Amazon is known to have sellers selling fakes of products that can be easily manipulated to look like the real deal, and sometimes they will mod the firmware to report, e.g. 4tb, when actually it's a 1gb drive. You won't find out until it's too late.
I've never had problems with IT kit from Amazon, but other returns have always gone smoothly. On balance I'd say I'm in profit, as some Amazon marketplace sellers will refund without expecting goods to be returned.
The only difficulty can be if you're buying from a part of Amazon offshore, returns to European sites can now be particularly difficult. Not always as easy to spot on a listing as Marketplace sellers too.
I just cancelled my prime subscription , Need to stop buying stuff I don't need , Films are not that good . and I don't use the music side of Amazon as I have lots of real music. The yearly cost is now £95.00
I just cancelled my prime subscription , Need to stop buying stuff I don't need , Films are not that good . and I don't use the music side of Amazon as I have lots of real music. The yearly cost is now £95.00
I just take up their offer of a month's freebie, & ask to be reminded at renewal, then cancel until next time I want something, but very often the same thing on ebay is cheaper.
I just cancelled my prime subscription , Need to stop buying stuff I don't need , Films are not that good . and I don't use the music side of Amazon as I have lots of real music. The yearly cost is now £95.00
Re price , I think member are willing to pay more for the convenes of home deliver even though they have paid the membership annual subscription.
The other aspect is the 'outside Amazon' price (plus delivery plus VAT) vs higher Amazon prime cost which includes delivery? Worth comparing both.
I know Clarkson is a right arrogant SOB, but even I enjoy watching Clarkson's farm and I think he does a lot of good for the farming community, I'm a late, to this one so I'm on series 2 episode six or seven the one where the council rejected to planning application on pathetic grounds. I could not believe that they rejected that is absolutely ridiculous that we have got people as counsellors that are turning down 60 new jobs, a cooperative of at least six farms coming together to sell their products and to try and make a profit it shows how pathetic the UK has become.

Yes, it's clear that Clarkson is a new farmer but he is trying. He may bend the rules but everybody does but I really did think that that barrister from London needed shooting. Did he really think that they put up a 150 k barn just to turn into a restaurant a year later? I've really don't think that counsellors are actually acting in all good faith and the cost of 500k for an appeal to the secretary of State is absolutely ridiculous.

There should be limits involved to stop this sort of thing from happening as spiralling out of control costs. It should not cost half 500k to appeal a planning control 100 covers restaurant in the middle of nowhere, I'm so sorry the UK is out of control and needs sorting.. At some point between the turning down of the permission and series 3 I actually came to the UK to see my son and he took me there because he lives not far from there and we went and had a burger there and I thought it was brilliant, yes it was busy, yes people were parking on the verges but that's because the stupid bloody council won't grant permission to put a carpark in is absolutely ludicrous that when we try and create jobs in this bloody country we prevented by stupid old aged counsellors who have not a clue how the world is ticking over today. I don't know if anybody noticed but the only real person that stuck up for Clarkson was a lady in her 30s she fought a good fight I thought. the whole bloody system in the UK needs a route and branch sorting civil servants councils everybody needs to go through the system and strip it bare and show how much wasted there is and how much money is being lost by stupid decisions. Like teachers requires CPD lawyers insurance brokers et cetera I would like to see all civil servants and counsellors being forced to either reapply for their jobs or doing CPD and if they fail that CPD they are out of a job story goes for the police service and medical service every time I turn the TV on all I ever see are fat coppers and they stick out outside Downing Street oh my God, what sort of message does that send to the country?

I live in Spain and yeah we have rubbish out here especially in the south of Spain but a lot of that is now gone. I live in the north of Spain and the rules over here are very strict but if you comply with everything you will get planning permission because they don't actually consult the neighbours about whether what you want doing is good or bad you have no consultation as a neighbour whatsoever now I'm not happy with that but it hasn't affected me as it might affect others but I can see some good points in that the only way I would know if if a house has been built next door to me is when the digger moves in and starts stripping the la luckily I have neighbours either side and in front of me it makes no difference. planning land over here especially domestic or light industrial or restaurant type shops et cetera is done on a different basis to the UK. A major plan is drawn up over the years which allows so many shops so many houses so many whatever and you know this because when you want to build a property, you go to the council you have a look at the council plan and you can see what you can build and get away with. We don't have this massive waste of money. I'm not saying our system over here is any better because the red tape in Spain is phenomenal but certainly on planning it seems to work quite well where I live under the Barcelona region I've been here 25 years now so know the system fairly well.

I'm Tory voter my entire life to my entire life I'm ashamed of what they've done over the last 14 years, during that period my voting rights were taken away from me as an expat living in Spain and I was not able to vote over Brexit or some of the general elections because I've lived outside of the UK for 15 years ,that has now been rescinded and I will be voting very shortly via post in the next general election and it won't be for the Conservatives because in my humble opinion they cabbage our country good and proper, right at this moment I don't trust any of the parties and I don't know who to vote for. I'm worried that labour will just tax us to death by borrowing money and then getting it back via taxation. I'm very concerned that Reform party and their unvetted candidates could cause serious problems same goes with the Conservative party and probably the labour party personally I don't think the Prime Minister should have the right to call a general election when he wants to he should be set down in stone that the general election at the end of the five-year term so that we all know when it's going to happen we all know and complain for correct candidates who can be vetted properly.

I'm also very concerned with labour and their plans possibly for proportional representation. Personally I favour first part of the post vote the thought of PR coming into post force and not sending up with say for example a complete Muslim only party would seriously worry me, we've changed our country enough over the last 30 to 40 years and it needs to stop. I personally favour us stopping immigration altogether. Yes it will cost millions. Yes some universities will close but most of the ones that will close will probably only only offer rubbish degrees anyway and don't deserve to be universities. In my opinion we need to get our own people into work as that means they've gotta go and pick the crops in the fields they've gotta go and do it, I did it as a kid every single summer until I was 19. What's the big deal?.

However, we should all have the right always to eject a government if they're not doing their job properly, I personally believe now it's time for coalition to form a stable one possibly from all three parties to try and run the country successfully because I don't believe any one of them on their own will run it correctly.

As to Amazon, I buy regularly from Amazon because it saves going to the large shops and wasting my time because they deliver next day always and sometimes on Sundays if you're lucky and the returns quality is brilliant a lot of the time you end up keeping the kit depending on its value and how many times you send things back but generally I find the service very good and no bad comments to make about it certainly in my area and I live in the country not in a town.

The Amazon driver, my way very well and if the weather is inclement and will leave parcels in a plastic bag, not that it rains that much here anyway.

Okay, rant over. I've been.stuck in hospital for seven weeks so I'm pretty fed up. I've got a terrible infection following a transplant on the 26th of April I was discharged from maximum of five days on the 27th of May and the fifth day I felt so ill. I couldn't even drive into hospital. I had to call an ambulance because my wife was at work so I'm 40 km away so ambulance took me in and was in 15 minutes. I was admitted and taken upstairs to a ward and the next morning operated on. Why can't the NHS seem to do that in the UK?
I bought an NMVe disk from Amazon at the weekend. It arrived Monday and I plugged it in and it formatted to 500MB not the 4TB it was supposed to be. I sent it back and ordered a second one to replace it. The second one turned up today. I opened the sealed outer envelope and discovered the security seal on the box for the disk was broken. Sure enough the box was empty. Amazon refunded me without a quibble but I’m now trying for third time lucky. As the refunds process I’m also £500 out of pocket.
What is your record for Amazon returns for a single product?
When you see something like this on Amazon the price is so good it's almost too good to be true and 99% of the time it is a piece of dung. You have to do your homework and buy from preparatory manufacturers I normally buy direct from Kingston or I will buy from, crucial at least I know then I get a good deal and I get a proper equipment. I tried to avoid buying items from third-party sellers on Amazon because I know there will always be problems with refunds or delays in postage. Period
I recently ordered yorkshire tea for my mum in Venice, 6 boxes of 160 for €15 ish. Only one box turned up, as I suspected. Ordered again, one box again. Upside is both refunded, description was wrong, and my mum got to keep the tea.
Only problem in purchasing Yorkshire tea is water, the tea is blended for specific areas of the UK based upon the hardness of the water in that area so you can buy a box of teabags in Yorkshire and a box of teabags down on the south coast make them with the same water and they taste completely different. I saw some program ages ago about Yorkshire tea and how they make it used to live 6 miles from the main Tetley tea place in Andover I went there once or twice to see how it was made and learned a lot about how the tea is actually made in the UK, I've also visited in Sri Lanka the actual plantations on one of them they actually told us to sweepings on the floor for normal catering teabags, I don't know if that was true or not but I did actually buy some property from there and I have to admit their first grade quality tea was absolutely the best I've ever tried and that was 30 years ago so I guess a lot has changed since then😄

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