Established Member
A couple of forum members asked me to post some photos of my dust extraction system so here goes.
This photo gives an overview (almost) of the system. At the top left hand corner is The Beast at the heart of the system, a wall mounted Axminster dust and chip extractor. Here's a birds eye-view of it:
It has two 100mm inlets, on the left hand side but I've only got one in use at the moment. A 100mm hose runs from there to a three-way junction. This is where the fun starts. Although it is supposedly 100mm pipe, is actually measures 110mm so the 100mm hose neither fits over it nor into it. I did have a 100mm connector so the hose was clipped to one side of it and after being padded out with masking tape (yes, I suppose duct tape would have been better but I didn't have any to hand so made do with what I had!) it was then snugly wedged into the three-way to form a 'hub'; see close up below:
The hub branches off to the left where it loops round to the second most messy thing in the workshop - the mitre saw! This part was really fun! Having struggled to fit 100mm hose to the soil pipes, I thought I'd try 120mm. That wasn't any greater a success - was too big to wedge inside the pipe and much too rigid to clamp to the outside. So I bought a circle-cutter and made some collars. That's another saga altogether but in brief I cut some wooden 'donuts' with an outer circumference that would fit snugly inside the 120mm hose and the inner diameter would accept the 110mm soil pipe. Wasn't easy but I got there eventually.
At the mitre saw itself, not only was it throwing dust out the back (the supplied dust bag was useless!) but a lot was dropping through the table and gathering underneath. So I bought one of these http://www.axminster.co.uk/flanged-spigots-500181, recessed it into the bench the mitre saw is attached to and run a hose frthe back of the saw down through another hole below the table. This is when I started to get really creative. First off I made a couple of collars out of 18mm ply that would fit over the spigot on the Axminster accessory and glued these together to produce a block about 54mm thick. I then drilled a 38mm hole into one of the sides to accept the hose from the back of the mitre saw. This was then wedged over the spigot and screwed into the underside of the mitre station. I made more 120mm collars and glued/screwed them onto the 54mm block then used a custom hose clip to secure the 120mm hose to the collar. This part works great - no dust beneath the mitre saw now. The hose from the back isn't quite so successful. I tested various lengths to see which would allow me to but at 90 degrees and bevels to either left or right. Having decided which worked best, it now keeps falling off! I've screwed it on to the nozzle but not sure how long that will last. When not in use, this is closed off with a blast gate, also bought from Axminster http://www.axminster.co.uk/aluminium-blastgates-ax376520 on the recommendation of someone on here who said they were ideal for connecting sections of soil pipe. Almost. They too had to be bulked out a bit to achieve a snug fit but by the time I got to doing this part I'd discovered a single layer of the ubiquitous grip mat does the job.
To the right there's another three-way with one spur going to the router table and the other carrying on to the band saw. These two are controlled by the same blast gates.
I bought one of these from Axminster: http://www.axminster.co.uk/axminster-dust-extraction-adaptor-100mm-502568 which I fitted underneath the table, just ahead of the insert plate. I was a bit wary about doing this but eventually took the plunge and cut a whacking great big hole in my router table, like this:
And in close up:
You should just be able to see the 100mm that connects to the soil pipe. Not visible is the 63mm hose that runs off to the right and connects to router fence. This works really well. If I'm working on the edge of a board then everything disappears through the fence and when creating dadoes anywhere else, dust that previously disappeared over the far side of the table and accumulated on the floor now disappears like planets down a black hole. A third hose - 38mm - is connected to the router itself and that runs off to "The Octopus". You can see that on the right hand side of the first photo and here it is in close up:
This was my original dust extraction system, using this stuff http://www.axminster.co.uk/63mm-dust-extraction-kit-410063. I was impressed with New Brit Workshops hub and recreated one of my own. The 63mm hose seen on the left leads to a Dust Deputy cyclone, powered by a Festool CT17. The first (dark grey) hose leads to the router, the light grey is used with powertools and the 63mm on the right goes to a Record Power 12" disc sander, although I'm sure that worked much better when plugged into the powertool hose. And at the end of the soil pipe is the final 100mm hose off to an RP350 bandsaw.
And that is that.
Disclaimer: First, I do not work for nor am I sponsored by Axminster however if they want to do something about the latter part then they're more than welcome to. Second, I didn't really know what I was doing, I read loads of stuff and received plenty of advice on here and watched countless videos on youtube, some far better than others. And for all my endeavours it still can't cope with the single biggest mess maker in the shop!

This photo gives an overview (almost) of the system. At the top left hand corner is The Beast at the heart of the system, a wall mounted Axminster dust and chip extractor. Here's a birds eye-view of it:

It has two 100mm inlets, on the left hand side but I've only got one in use at the moment. A 100mm hose runs from there to a three-way junction. This is where the fun starts. Although it is supposedly 100mm pipe, is actually measures 110mm so the 100mm hose neither fits over it nor into it. I did have a 100mm connector so the hose was clipped to one side of it and after being padded out with masking tape (yes, I suppose duct tape would have been better but I didn't have any to hand so made do with what I had!) it was then snugly wedged into the three-way to form a 'hub'; see close up below:

The hub branches off to the left where it loops round to the second most messy thing in the workshop - the mitre saw! This part was really fun! Having struggled to fit 100mm hose to the soil pipes, I thought I'd try 120mm. That wasn't any greater a success - was too big to wedge inside the pipe and much too rigid to clamp to the outside. So I bought a circle-cutter and made some collars. That's another saga altogether but in brief I cut some wooden 'donuts' with an outer circumference that would fit snugly inside the 120mm hose and the inner diameter would accept the 110mm soil pipe. Wasn't easy but I got there eventually.
At the mitre saw itself, not only was it throwing dust out the back (the supplied dust bag was useless!) but a lot was dropping through the table and gathering underneath. So I bought one of these http://www.axminster.co.uk/flanged-spigots-500181, recessed it into the bench the mitre saw is attached to and run a hose frthe back of the saw down through another hole below the table. This is when I started to get really creative. First off I made a couple of collars out of 18mm ply that would fit over the spigot on the Axminster accessory and glued these together to produce a block about 54mm thick. I then drilled a 38mm hole into one of the sides to accept the hose from the back of the mitre saw. This was then wedged over the spigot and screwed into the underside of the mitre station. I made more 120mm collars and glued/screwed them onto the 54mm block then used a custom hose clip to secure the 120mm hose to the collar. This part works great - no dust beneath the mitre saw now. The hose from the back isn't quite so successful. I tested various lengths to see which would allow me to but at 90 degrees and bevels to either left or right. Having decided which worked best, it now keeps falling off! I've screwed it on to the nozzle but not sure how long that will last. When not in use, this is closed off with a blast gate, also bought from Axminster http://www.axminster.co.uk/aluminium-blastgates-ax376520 on the recommendation of someone on here who said they were ideal for connecting sections of soil pipe. Almost. They too had to be bulked out a bit to achieve a snug fit but by the time I got to doing this part I'd discovered a single layer of the ubiquitous grip mat does the job.
To the right there's another three-way with one spur going to the router table and the other carrying on to the band saw. These two are controlled by the same blast gates.
I bought one of these from Axminster: http://www.axminster.co.uk/axminster-dust-extraction-adaptor-100mm-502568 which I fitted underneath the table, just ahead of the insert plate. I was a bit wary about doing this but eventually took the plunge and cut a whacking great big hole in my router table, like this:

And in close up:

You should just be able to see the 100mm that connects to the soil pipe. Not visible is the 63mm hose that runs off to the right and connects to router fence. This works really well. If I'm working on the edge of a board then everything disappears through the fence and when creating dadoes anywhere else, dust that previously disappeared over the far side of the table and accumulated on the floor now disappears like planets down a black hole. A third hose - 38mm - is connected to the router itself and that runs off to "The Octopus". You can see that on the right hand side of the first photo and here it is in close up:

This was my original dust extraction system, using this stuff http://www.axminster.co.uk/63mm-dust-extraction-kit-410063. I was impressed with New Brit Workshops hub and recreated one of my own. The 63mm hose seen on the left leads to a Dust Deputy cyclone, powered by a Festool CT17. The first (dark grey) hose leads to the router, the light grey is used with powertools and the 63mm on the right goes to a Record Power 12" disc sander, although I'm sure that worked much better when plugged into the powertool hose. And at the end of the soil pipe is the final 100mm hose off to an RP350 bandsaw.
And that is that.
Disclaimer: First, I do not work for nor am I sponsored by Axminster however if they want to do something about the latter part then they're more than welcome to. Second, I didn't really know what I was doing, I read loads of stuff and received plenty of advice on here and watched countless videos on youtube, some far better than others. And for all my endeavours it still can't cope with the single biggest mess maker in the shop!