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Starmer gaslighting his own party in retaliation? Not much of a strategy IMHO. :rolleyes: I don't think Keith quite got the idea.
The biggest gaslighting ever has been against the left and Corbyn of course, from all sides including his own party, shadow cabinet and admin! Central to Starmer's campaign in fact, and they are still at it. I guess they have Corbyn filled nightmares - too much gaslighting can go to your head. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Not obviously successful - Labour ratings are still below Corbyn's in 2017, and falling steeply since the start of the election. The dismal bogglers will most likely win anyway, and claim the credit, in spite of the most cack-handed campaign in history!
Given the negativity towards "lefties" in much of the UK press I'm not entirely convinced that a Labour party lead by Corbyn would win the forthcoming election; even given the state of the Tories. Whether that's right or wrong likely depends on your view of Corbyn.
Given the negativity towards "lefties" in much of the UK press I'm not entirely convinced that a Labour party lead by Corbyn would win the forthcoming election; even given the state of the Tories. Whether that's right or wrong likely depends on your view of Corbyn.
I think it's a good thing that neither the far left it the far right get into power, we can all see what happened under Truss and i think the same would happen appen under Corbyn. I think starmer is shrewd to go for the centre ground as the elctorate won't stomach a far left or right gov.

Gov need wealth to tax, wealth comes from private companies.

Private companies need public services for a healthy workforce etc etc.
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Given the negativity towards "lefties" in much of the UK press I'm not entirely convinced that a Labour party lead by Corbyn would win the forthcoming election; even given the state of the Tories. Whether that's right or wrong likely depends on your view of Corbyn.
Things move on and hindsight is a marvellous thing. But, as a matter of interest, Corbyn got 40% of the vote in 2017, which is slightly more than Starmer's current poll forecast (39.5%) which is falling, and has been since the start of the election.
https://www.eleand has been
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“These days” a lot of younger people are considerably brighter than they were
That is because of the education system, they are clever parrots in recitation but many lack comprehension, problem solving and common sense so might be clever in a different way and most lack basic hand skills which is probably the dads fault with the just replace it attitude rather than fix it.
That is because of the education system, they are clever parrots in recitation but many lack comprehension, problem solving and common sense so might be clever in a different way and most lack basic hand skills which is probably the dads fault with the just replace it attitude rather than fix it.
Based on what?
You really do talk some nonsense...
My 10 year old granddaughter was having to underline subordinate conjugations the other week.

My daughter and her university team won the prestigious Hugo Sinzheimer moot court competition on EU labour law in Vienna at the weekend.

She too can read, write, add up and think for her self and I'm sure she'll have certain members of this forum tied in knots in a matter of seconds.
She sounds like an extremely clever parrot! How are her basic hand skills?
I have no intention of supporting Reform - their "contract" is economically and financially illiterate, and their policies (taken as a whole) divisive and unpleasant.

What they do explicitly communicate is the need for radical change, as do the Greens. A stark contrast to the established parties who seem to believe material improvements can flow from utterly trivial changes.

I can fully understand why folk are leaving the Tory camp in droves - I have some sympathy with their opinions. But the proposition that Labour can transform (CHANGE) is a complete illusion. Either little will change, they will fund change with more debt, or put up taxes.

The honesty and integrity deficit leaves them with no more credibility than the rest.
thats because they have to appeal to a politically illiterate public, who expect magic fixes in a short time period and dont understand just how screwed the country is. the greens have proposed radical solutions, some of which i agree guessing it will amount to a grand total of 3 or 4 MPs elected..
Latest MRP poll show Reform on 18 seats

Labour 450 seats
Lib Dem’s 71 seats
Conservative 60 seats
SNP 24 seats
Reform 18 seats
Greens 4 seats

This country could do without a right wing populist agitating in parliament and getting excessive publicity

The big news though is possibility of Lib Dem’s getting more than Conservatives…..that would put them as official opposition and they would then get the commensurate media attention.

I doubt that would happen though
That is because of the education system, they are clever parrots in recitation but many lack comprehension, problem solving and common sense so might be clever in a different way and most lack basic hand skills which is probably the dads fault with the just replace it attitude rather than fix it.

“We met a guy who said he was going to vote Labour but wouldn’t now because he had just heard that we were taxing condoms,” said Labour’s Karl Turner, who was first voted in as the MP for Hull East in 2010 and is standing for re-election this time.

“I said, ‘condoms?’ ‘Yeah,’ he said: ‘I just heard on that[pointing to the TV] that you are taxing condoms, and I’m not having it. You’re not getting my vote.’ It was Terence [Turner’s parliamentary assistant] here who worked it out.

“‘We’re taxing non-doms, not condoms,’ I said. ‘Oh,’ he said. ‘Like the prime minister’s wife? Ah.’ He calls out: ‘Margaret: they’re taxing non-doms, not condoms.’”
That is because of the education system, they are clever parrots in recitation but many lack comprehension, problem solving and common sense so might be clever in a different way and most lack basic hand skills which is probably the dads fault with the just replace it attitude rather than fix it.
My daughter recently got her PhD and no she isn't as thick as two short planks.
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