Colin C":wkofp242 said:
I agree with some of what you have said but some of what you have said is seen through your white anglo saxon male male eyes.
Now isnt that amazing, how else would I see ecxept with these white anglo saxon male eyes (yes you jumped to the right conclusion, I am a white male); I dont have much choice in the matter Col!! :lol:
I eveidently touched a raw nerve with my comments, it wasnt my intention, but it happens sometimes when you express opinions in a free democracy, thats why the anti democratic liberal marxist politically corect lobby dont want debate or strong views
lest it offend anyone :roll: .
As you rightly say, some folk resort to blaming their skin color for their criminality and use it as a defence, that includes the tired "victims of colonial slavery" excuses. But its not just black criminals that try to make excuses is it (and dont get the idea I am equating national criminality with ***** people as I am not). I mean look at the woman in court today she murderes her baby, sets fire to the house, then lies and makes out she was the victim of an assault :roll: :roll: The judge said she shouldnt go to jail "because
shes suffered enough already" Because she had post natal depression. So she isnt really responsible for her actions.
I think Colin you make too many assumtions about me, and like I cant hold any views about race/racism etc as I'm old whitey.
Around the time of the falklands war 1980/81 I lived in Brocklehurst street a stones throw from millwall football ground, and by my reckoning 3 or 400 yards from the house at new cross where the fire was. I know what its like to have a gang of 7 or 8 NF thugs at the front door (uninvited) threatening to drag me in the street and kick the s***e out of me because I told them to f*** off (meanwhile my liberal marxist flat mates were cowering in the back kitchen wringing their hands fat lot of help they were) Its not just ethnick minorities that the BNP (or NF as it was then) hate. And yes I have been the victim of crime in London both times as it happens black males, one threatened me with a hammer in Peckham high street I just said put that hammer away before you get into trouble, the other was 2 youth robbed me with a knife in Brixton :roll: Yes they might of had no stable family life, no discipline, no education, no sense of right and wrong all manner of excuses could me made to mitigate but they still done a crime and unless they or others like them, white red yellow or whatever start to act like men not namby pamby nancy boys whinging and making excuses (as aided and abetted by the loony left utopian liberal judges and lawyers), and face up to the responsibility and consequences of their actions then things will get worse not better :shock: .
Cheers Jonathan