Combined Flu jab

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I had the two separate ones at the same time last year and felt no adverse effects. I doubt whether this one would be any different but have no degrees in immunology to back it up.


From what I’ve read it’s more common for men under 40 but I’d rather not take the chance.
I’ll continue with the traditional Flu vaccine for the time being.
I am not against any vacines and believe they can protect people from a lot of medical illnesses like small pox etc but you do have to be more cautious when a vacine originates out of desperation and is rushed to market due to a pandemic without going through the normal drawn out overly cautious process.
If you have a COVID jab and stand near a 5g mast the conspiracy theorists will appear in a cloud of dust and will turn you into a genetically modified sheep unless you inject 10ml of bleach and turn round 3 times before sunrise. Must be true, a neighbour said he met a bloke in a pub who had heard it from a woodworker who had read all about it on the internet.

And other nonsense....

Because of the NHS and many clever people who found very quick ways to develop all kinds of vaccines, people in the UK in certain risk categories have free access to vaccines. Vaccines that millions of people around the world would love to be able to get.

We should celebrate the fact we can roll out new medicines in a few months rather than a few years. Using old technology flu and COVID deaths would have been much higher and still happening.

If you choose not to use it, fine, your choice. I just say thanks and book the appointment
Just looking at my vaccine passport I have had 4 - 3 Pfizer then a Moderna - the last in November 2022. I am not being offered a fifth.

Cast your minds back to 2021/2 when Covid was an unknown and governments were out-competing each other to be more draconian. The vaccines did help get things back on track for the majority who received them with no ill effects.

As for the combi, I am less sure on timings. As I say I have not had a Covid jab for 2 years. Did I need one more frequently? I have a flu jab every year. Do I need it less frequently?

I would rather take each jab individually at the recommended intervals - even if every other visit takes 5 minutes longer.
I am not against any vacines and believe they can protect people from a lot of medical illnesses like small pox etc but you do have to be more cautious when a vacine originates out of desperation and is rushed to market due to a pandemic without going through the normal drawn out overly cautious process.
Yes, but what is often forgotten is that epidemiology and virology knowledge has been rapidly increasing over the past twenty years', and knowledge being gained is shared.
The anti-flu vaccine is developed each year in response to global trends, which are monitored by the World Health Organisation (WHO). No two years are the same, as the prevalent risks are never quite the same.
I have a flu jab every year. Do I need it less frequently?
Absolutely NOT, because of the information above.

Last year, there was concern that a dual COVID/FLU jab might cause complications; this year, there is less concern, due to more research.

We come into contact with viral contagions regularly, and our personal physiology (are you fit, run-down, having a bad day) has an obvious effect on our ability to brush them aside.

Having an anti-ANYTHING vaccine is like using PPE...some people decide that it's for the idiots, and that they are invincible. Some people, on the other hand, will use full PPE, and then be injured because of a third-party interaction. In the case of infectious diseases, that third-party interaction can be as trivial as you going down the pub when you don't feel very well!

Fucks sakes.
I totally agree!
It may be a small percentage but it’s still of concern.

Then there’s this.


“Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine.”

I personally don’t know anyone that hasn’t had Covid.