That video, where the intro said "
I think it is absolutely healthy for teams to talk about the language that they use and bring light to the fact that words matter"?
Where a presenter explained "
In essence, 'woke' means to be aware. It also describes an awakening within our society to issues that weren't always openly discussed, and when we talk about 'woke culture' this refers to the ability to call out things we don't like, or find offensive."?
So what do you object to?
And why?
People thinking about and discussing the words they use? That's bad?
Being aware? Would you rather people were ignorant?
Realising that there are issues in our society which haven't always been openly discussed? That's harmful?
The ability to call out things we don't like, or find offensive? That should be denied?
When I hear people banging on along the lines of "you can't say anything these days" what I hear are people who think that they should be allowed to be gratuitously offensive, to express prejudices, to be insulting and dismissive towards others, to be in opposition to any socially liberal or progressive policies, and not to face any criticism or opposition over it.
When I hear people whining about "wokeness" I hear exactly the same ideologically driven nonsense, for exactly the same reasons, from exactly the same sort of people who a generation ago whined about "political correctness. I hear the same pejorative and disparaging use, by people who are somewhere on the gammon to mouth-frothing eye swivelling RWL spectrum because they are engaged in a backlash against changes to societal attitudes which they find unpalatable, and want to try and maintain a fantasy world where only the ignorance and prejudices and inequalities they like exist, and who demand the continued obeisance from people who they think don't matter.