British Woodworking - Issue No.5

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Lataxe":1qa55l2a said:
Dick & Simon,

Don't worry, my dears. I am off back to a real forum where there are no thought police, monitors of uncomfortable emotions and over-sensitive harrumphers.

So it's OK to give it but, when you can't take it sling a few childish insults and 'run fer them thar hills'. :roll:
Smudger":xgai3hv1 said:
The ego has landed, and then taken off again...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Seems remarkably like Bespoke and Village silly person (from the other place), surely there can't be more than one person like this in reality :shock: :roll:

Cheers, Paul :D
funnily enough , Paul ...
I was thinking exactly the same thing , the writing style, diising things he had no notion of, and such ....definatley a Bespoke clone.

edit: or should that be clown? :lol:
Dan Tovey":1ftd2a8s said:
Oh, and another thing about F&C...

...what's with that Kevin Ley, the bloke with the eye patch?

Month after month he's there pontificating and showing us in minute detail how he built his godawful-looking furniture!

He claims to be a pro maker, but on the internet he is almost invisible; no website, no directory links etc. It is actually very difficult to be in business and have that low a profile!

Am I being cynical in suspecting that he actually just plays at it while living on a fat RAF pension and earning pin money from writing books and articles?



Ref 'The Pirate'.. I wondered something similar. He must have done a course with one of the Magical Wizards who offer six-week intensive wonder courses to novices. I wouldn't mind a refresher myself, but to learn from scratch in next to no time? Hmmmm!

:eek:ccasion5: :D :D :D

Regards John
Nah, it couldn't be dear old Alan, Lataxe doesn't have a Brummy accent. :D
Lataxe":26pubskx said:
Mr Maskery,

I presume (don’t know) that by “rod” you mean a story stick or some form of pattern?
Lataxe, a demanding little pest.


If you don't know what a rod is:

1) You would be out of your depth on the Fine Woodworking Forum. (They call it a story-board in the States.)

2) To judge from your manners, as a child you were spared another kind of rod too often. Petulance is best left in the nursery my friend. It's time to grow up if you wish to get along rather than just 'rub along', thus abrading everyone else.

If as I suspect, you are a school teacher, then thank Heavens my kids have grown up, but God help my Grand-daughter.

If you are doing this just to be awkward, :roll: then get a life. For sure, until you do, you won't last five minutes on any forum.

Slim":m34t68en said:
Nah, it couldn't be dear old Alan, Lataxe doesn't have a Brummy accent. :D

Hey Slim!

Wots a brummie aksunt? 'Sidownanmekyerself-a-tum? :wink:

BTW, how do you do that multi-quote thing in one post. When I try to quote, the whole post comes up and I have to delete the bits I don't want to comment on. And in the case of rubber-cho**er (sorry Axe) , that was a lot of quote! :lol:


Brummie John
Benchwayze":4apabniv said:
BTW, how do you do that multi-quote thing in one post.
It requires lots of cut and paste, using the preview to check that the tags are correct before posting.
Benchwayze":3a3jyy60 said:
BTW, how do you do that multi-quote thing in one post. When I try to quote, the whole post comes up and I have to delete the bits I don't want to comment on. And in the case of rubber-cho**er (sorry Axe) , that was a lot of quote! :lol:

Ha you're not joking! It is quite a lot of work and rather tedius to prepare a post like that. I couldn't be bothered normally, but Lataxe got right up my nose, so I thought it was worth it. :D

I remember Dan Tovey (I think) say that the way to enjoy Bespoke's posts was to read them aloud with a brummy accent. I tried it with Lataxe's posts, but it didn't work. :roll: :wink:
Slim":3ndk8hr2 said:
Benchwayze":3ndk8hr2 said:
BTW, how do you do that multi-quote thing in one post. When I try to quote, the whole post comes up and I have to delete the bits I don't want to comment on. And in the case of rubber-cho**er (sorry Axe) , that was a lot of quote! :lol:

Ha you're not joking! It is quite a lot of work and rather tedious to prepare a post like that. I couldn't be bothered normally, but Lataxe got right up my nose, so I thought it was worth it. :D

I remember Dan Tovey (I think) say that the way to enjoy Bespoke's posts was to read them aloud with a brummy accent. I tried it with Lataxe's posts, but it didn't work. :roll: :wink:

He was beginning to irritate my sinuses too. Also, an overdose of 'Senna' has a sudden effect!

Thanks for the heads up on the quote procedure. Altough I hope I shan't ever need to disseminate a post like that myself!

John :D
Hi All

I'm not quite sure how to respond to all that. Perhaps with an 'and' placed neatly at the start of my next sentence! So that you know, I have been following the thread, with interest and just the occasional flutter of the heart. It provides excellent feedback.


Nick Gibbs":21h7koec said:
Hi All

I'm not quite sure how to respond to all that. Perhaps with an 'and' placed neatly at the start of my next sentence! So that you know, I have been following the thread, with interest and just the occasional flutter of the heart. It provides excellent feedback.




Now I am off to knock out some Zzzz's!
Slim":307ht75y said:
I remember Dan Tovey (I think) say that the way to enjoy Bespoke's posts was to read them aloud with a brummy accent. I tried it with Lataxe's posts, but it didn't work. :roll: :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, with Laxative, you have to read them aloud in a Fred Dibnah accent!

He's not Bespoke/Village silly person, but I suspect they were seperated at birth!
I've read through the entire thread carefully, I know nothing of the personalities involved, nor have I read the magazine or any other WW magazines for many years.

My conclusions are that, based entirely on what has been written, that Lataxe has been unfairly treated by many of the posters to this thread. He has a point of view and he put it clearly and without insulting anyone. I think some of the responses, especially those parodying his screen-name, have been childish
It may surprise some people, but I agree a little with Mr Henderson. I don't mean to be ungrateful to those who have supported British Woodworking, but I'm sure Lataxe has some valid points. I'm not convinced they are all valid and I don't think he has substantiated them very clearly. He doesn't seem to understand the complexities and economics of producing a woodworking magazine in Britain.

And I take huge issue with anyone who says that their comments should not be taken personally. I cringe when I hear that. I don't think you can separate the creative act of woodworking or editing or art or writing from the person, and neither should you.

However, I am happy to read all the comments in this thread. They fuel the desire to constantly improve one's product. Already I've taken steps to introduce a couple of things raised here. It's a pity when there's bickering, because the Forum is incredibly valuable and shouldn't be undermined.

Long may it last.

I would second that Mr Henderson. I have only read one issue of the magazine and found it was not for me . Lataxe's comments may have been interpreted as blunt, but are there any British magazines (other than F&C) that cater to anyone with higher aspirations than the average DIYer ?
Lataxe is as entitled to his opinion as anyone else and having enjoyed his posts on Knotts for a good while I can vouch that he does express an opinion as opposed to blindly following the rest of the sheep as is the case with so many forums. I for one am sorry to see him depart as its a range of viewpoints that makes for more interesting reading.
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