British Woodworking - Issue No.5

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mister henderson":zki7erb8 said:
I presume that in the last two posts in which Lataxe's name was spelled incorrectly, that that mis-spelling was deliberate (and therefore childish)? Or perhaps a touch of dyslexia?

Presume away.
Slim":3g7ck4dw said:
mister henderson":3g7ck4dw said:
I presume that in the last two posts in which Lataxe's name was spelled incorrectly, that that mis-spelling was deliberate (and therefore childish)? Or perhaps a touch of dyslexia?

A few people have been accidentely misspelling it 'Latexe' throughout the entire thread. Also I can't quite figure why you would think 'Latexe' and 'Latex' would be an insult and there fore childish. I am sure Steve and Dick did not mean to offend, and they were accidental misspellings. Besides, I sure they can come up with better ones than that. :D

Strange how you couldn't see how insulting Lataxe was to Steve, but you can see offence here, where there isn't any. :?:

Mr Henderson sounds like he's Latexe's rent boy!

God, but this thread is boring!
Yeah, but they make my eyes swell to twice their normal size.


Oh yeah ACHOOO! they make me ACHOOO! sneeze as well ACHOOO!
Our neighbours cat is presently trying to get hold of our new rabbit - it must be thick as the rabbit is bigger than it!

Should be a good scrap when it gets going......


Dick, I'm not alergic to rabbits, but they do make a hell of a mess down at the allotment. Nasty little blighters! :roll: :wink:
mister henderson":rwy72ze3 said:
I presume that in the last two posts in which Lataxe's name was spelled incorrectly, that that mis-spelling was deliberate (and therefore childish)? Or perhaps a touch of dyslexia?

Presume all you want. However it was mistake due to not being all that chipper today/yesterday, whenever the hell it was.

And yes this is getting very boring. (apart from the fluffy bunny fight, which was quite funny) :lol:

I think all has been said on this subject, and this thread is now locked has it has become too personal.
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