I took delivery of my TS-200 today after using the 10% axminster discount, setting up was quite straight-forward, took about two hours, I still have some final squaring and checking to do, but otherwise it's functional.
This is the first part of the new layout. I'm removing the old out-feed table the SCMS is sitting on completely, and will move all the crap that is under-neath and the SCMS to a new full-width unit at the back end of the shop, this will have a shelf unit and a worktop running full-width and will house all the power-tool boxes and various crap that accumulates over the years.
The drill press will then move to the left-hand side of the shop along with a new rolling unit housing the thicknesser that I received today also (A perform CC10 which came with a discount, result!)
There's a bandsaw which sits just inside the front doors, and that wheels out if I need to do longer stock.
A router-table will be fitted in place of the crappy sheet-metal extension table on the TS-200 (will probably just use laminated MDF and tilgear plate).
All in all, I feel confident that this should be a decent and long-term setup.
The piece of ply under the TS-200 is used to raise it to the same level of my workbench so I can use it as an out-feed.
Thanks again to everyone who answered my questions about this saw, and for letting me hijack the thread a little. I'll post more pics when the saw is integrated into a rolling cabinet with router-table.