Which is why papers are peer reviewed and statistical results published such that bias can be tested for and avoided. The truth does indeed lie in the middle, in the middle of what the statistics say, not in the middle between the statistics and some whacko cherry picking imbicile.
We are all posting on electronic devices developed based on experiment and observation , powered by an electrical system, developed based on experiment and observation, kept healthy by drugs based on experiment and observation. The scientific method is not opinion based, it is evidence based. Yes it is not incorruptible and it is swayed by what is funded, but to say that thousand of scientists whom have researched the subject are all part of some mass lie is utter nonsense, and that one bloke can see the truth is even more ridiculous.
My favourite thing about climate change is that people bang on about how it’s a hoax, the climate has always changed. This is true and with that change has come mass species extinction. The planet will be absolutely fine with the change, ffs it survived a massive bloody meteorite strike. The problem is our survival, and to sit around twiddling our thumbs whilst the evidence says our climate is rapidly changing is idiotic at best. Even if the evidence eventually shows another unknown cause, then saying ‘I told you so’ won’t be possible if we’ve done nothing as a species to adapt our society to the change.
Honestly I think people just don’t want to change what they do and how they live so spread this garbage as an excuse not to change. I’d much rather people say you know what I don’t care and I’m going on living how I want to. I can honestly say I’d respect that position so much more.
Sorry rant over, but the scientific method is responsible for the amazing standard of life we all enjoy, and I get annoyed when it is held hostage by people who don’t understand it, or can’t be bothered to understand it.