A little truth for a change.


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Just go and look for rebuttals of it, this is typical misleading distortion. graphs cut off in time, focusing too far in geographically, etc etc.
Trouble is facts can be quite seriously manipulated, this is the art of statistics which can be made to say quite a lot of different things with the same data set.

I have seen persuasive arguments from both sides of the climate debate and concluded the truth is likely somewhere in the middle. As it usually is with most stuff.
Both "sides" - what 99% of the worlds scientists and masses of evidence accumulating every day, versus a few nutters? There is only one side - it is proven beyond doubt.
The most alarming graph so far has been the one in this article which shows steady rise year on year until recently when the graph takes a turn upwards. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-66387537
Dire warnings here from Bill McGuire: https://www.theguardian.com/comment...er-storm-britain-future-tories-labour-climate
Basically we are up s*** creek.
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It was called global warming until it was pointed out that temperatures over recent centuries had not increased, then "they" started on about climate change.
Wrong again. Global temperature has increased. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature
Climate "change" rather than "global warming" because some of the consequences of global warming may not be locally evident everywhere, even cooling in some places due the changing weather patterns.
They are at present harping about increased co2 levels, which will help plant and vegetation growth but no, "they" can find some other downside.
Increased CO2 level is the cause and has been known/forecast since about1856 and is not in dispute.
Yes it could be good for plant growth but not necessarily to the benefit of homo sapiens and a lot of other species, especially at the top of the food chain i.e. ourselves and higher mammals.
Good for beavers apparently so it's not all bad news! https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/as-the-arctic-warms-beavers-move-in-180981259/
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I also remember long warm summers, also a thing we don't get anymore.
Wrong again.
England's hottest summers ever recorded were in 2022 and 2018, both with an average temperature of 17.1 degrees Celsius. During summer 2022, record-breaking temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius were reached at several locations in England, such as Heathrow and St James's Park in London.30 Jan 2024

England: hottest summers 1884-2023 - Statista

https://www.statista.com › statistics › warmest-summers-o...
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As far as I'm concerned, we're all missing the Big Question: if the predicted "climate catastrophe" does indeed come about, would it actually be A Bad Thing? The world population of Homo "Sapiens" is manifestly too big, and as a species our behaviour is out of control and unsupportable, so would the reduction of our numbers by 90%, for example, really be a catastrophe for the other creatures condemned to share the planet with us? Obviously, the wiping out of our entire species would probably be the optimum result, but perhaps a few survivors might just learn a valuable lesson as they struggle to survive the results of their own folly..
As far as I'm concerned, we're all missing the Big Question: if the predicted "climate catastrophe" does indeed come about, would it actually be A Bad Thing? The world population of Homo "Sapiens" is manifestly too big, and as a species our behaviour is out of control and unsupportable, so would the reduction of our numbers by 90%, for example, really be a catastrophe for the other creatures condemned to share the planet with us? Obviously, the wiping out of our entire species would probably be the optimum result, but perhaps a few survivors might just learn a valuable lesson as they struggle to survive the results of their own folly..

Largely my sentiments also.
Is it about doing the best for the planet, or the best for ourselves ?
We certainly have an inflated view of our importance and place in
the natural world.
Some people will believe any old junk they happen to read on the internet; a case in point is fake quotations attributed to Aristotle.... :oops:
That was dealt with in a previous thread.

I'm still waiting for proof that he didn't say it. :rolleyes:
I personally like the graph showing the rate of increase in the consumption of frozen peas and that of divorce rate. The correlation is beyond debate statistically. Divorce rates are driven by the consumption of frozen peas!
Just because two lines on a graph correlate, a statistical way of proving there is a relationship does not mean one actually exists. Just like CO2 and climate change.

I know, I know, most people vote based on how their parents voted, or some sound bite off the TV and the vast majority have never read the manifesto of the party they vote for but are adamant that they know why the rest of us should support their political views.
The most compelling evidence about the absolute phoney of the climate debate is the controlled experiments on exactly how much CO2 increases temperature in different concentrations. If memory serves, CO2 up to circa 20% only accounts for at maximum a 1 degree increase in temperature. It actually takes very little to achieve this 1 degree increase, but any further increase in concentration has no real efffect.

To put this in context, if you wear a shirt and put a pullover on it increases your body temperature by an amount. That amount is fixed, to get warmer you have to add more layers, or something else besides CO2.

If you took all the CO2 out of the atmosphere we would be a few degrees cooler. These experiments are simple to conduct to find out exactly how much of an effect CO2 has on trapping heat. With things you find in your workshop and a welding CO2 tank you can do them yourself. You don’t need a climate degree to work out that the hype on CO2 is complete tosh.
To put this in context, if you wear a shirt and put a pullover on it increases your body temperature by an amount. That amount is fixed, to get warmer you have to add more layers, or something else besides CO2.
I fear this is a gross simplification, and a poor analogy. Unless, of course, your body is partly covered in sheet ice(I'm fairly certain mine isn't, but there are regions that are difficult to inspect these days), which reflect the sun's rays, but will melt as your body temperature increases, thus accelerating the temperature rise. And a bunch of other stuff that I can't even be bothered to bring up.
Maybe thermal runaway in semiconductors would be a better analogy?
Three “facts”:
1. The world’s climate has changed very significantly in the last 100 years.
2. That change has been caused by human activity.
3. The consequences of that change are negative for humanity.

If you don’t accept that those three things are true you are an idiot.

Goodbye 😀
It was called global warming until it was pointed out that temperatures over recent centuries had not increased, then "they" started on about climate change.

They are at present harping about increased co2 levels, which will help plant and vegetation growth but no, "they" can find some other downside.
I wasn’t aware of that so I did a google search on why the terminology changed. There is no evidence that this is the reason. Can you provide a link to the source of this?

Yes plants will grow faster in a CO2 rich environment, but that won’t stop sea level rise, increased storm magnitude, desertification in some regions etc.
@John Brown Not really, it’s just an insulator, but, what gets forgotten all gases in the atmosphere are also insulators. CO2 is at a level of circa 0.04% so no much, and we have increased that level throughout the last century by (round numbers) 0.01% since 1960. Lets put it into context, the wired has been up at over 3% are flurushedm was far greener with a greater diversity of life. Increase in CO2 are not catastrophic. Dropping CO2 levels dish to c0.02% which is where we were heading is catastrophic.
Firstly, I think there is no doubt that the climate overall is getting warmer. Equally there is only a finite amount of fossil fuel. The largest reserves of fossil fuel are found in lovely countries that are peaceful, decent and love all mankind. So, for the west to move towards sustainable renewable power can only be a good thing, the faster the west detaches itself from reliance on the Middle East the better.

If you can accept those two statements, then the rest becomes irrelevant. I myself am firmly in the camp that after going through all the papers at the time I could get my hands on, and being an engineer reviewing them to make up my own mind I moved from beIieving CO2 was the cause of global warming, and that this was a bad thing, to firmly believing that the climate warming is a good thing and that CO2 levels must increase to ensure we can feed the world and not all die out as plants start to fail……due to a lack of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Now, I firmly believe that governments always tell, the truth, they never cover things up, lie, or mislead the public. They don’t stifle the press, use economic pressure to close down opposing views. So, it’s impossible for all governments to be misleading the public isn’t it? Then I look at the latest Scottish law that is criminalising thought! Who would have thought it, well the SDP did in Germany in the 1940’s as did that very nice man that lead the Bolshevik revolution and his subsequent heirs. George Orwell thought is made rather a good read, but still the Scott’s are heading down along with Canada creating laws that not only restricting free speech but free thought. So is it, I mean could it be possible that there are just two sex’s / genders and that a warmer climate is actually a good thing? Or do we accept the mass hysteria and start slashing paintings, pouring tomato soup over things and making a real nuisance or ourselves and join Just Stop Oil who are substantially backed by…..the oil industries?
Interested to see the source of your claim that just stop oil are funded by the oil companies?

Don’t confuse biological sex and gender, gender is a sociological construct, biological sex a scientific fact. There are more than two sexes, a very small percentage are born intersex, however I understand that is not related to you point. The gender question is a whole separate debate with a very different data set as it is difficult to objectively measure someone’s gender.

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