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  1. T

    International florists

    Yes - my mum. I think I may just talk to florists local to her and do it that way unless you have a better suggestion. Cheers Tim
  2. T

    International florists

    You've NO idea what I've been thinking :shock: Cheers Tim
  3. T

    Another compresser query? Noise?

    Is this a new bit of kit? If so I would contact the retailer/ manufacturer. It looks to me like something should be bunging that somehow. Cheers Tim
  4. T

    International florists

    I need to get some flowers delivered abroad and I wondered if anyone had any experience of international florists other than Interflora, whose choices seems a bit lame. Cheers Tim
  5. T

    Chicken Run

    Not a lot to disagree with there. These ideas fall flat when they aren't able to provide a zero net cost alternative. I am of the opinion though that it isn't right to provide chickens at £2.50 each especially if those animals have lived a miserable life as a result. Do I blame the consumers...
  6. T

    Chicken Run

    Did anyone watch this last night. Prog about rearing Chickens in battery vs freerange conditions. Second part tonight. Its filmed in Axminster (Hugh F-W's nearest town) and they showed the APTC canteen - seems customer service doesn't apply to staff: frozen omelette anyone? Big shame that...
  7. T

    Another compresser query? Noise?

    The thing is if you are using it for nailing, it won't run for that long. The only compressor I have is the tiny oiless one that Axminster used to sell which I only use for 18g nails and pinning. I occasionally use it for dusting or blowing up the airbed in the summer for those quieter...
  8. T

    Look what I got!!

    Maybe I'm being grumpy but I've never understood what the deal is with shavings? The point is that it finishes the timber beautifully - I throw the shavings away. Love the plane though Philly. Cheers Tim
  9. T

    Another compresser query? Noise?

    It shouldn't need to run for 10mins either unless you are using air. If it is running that long then you have a valve open or a leak somewhere. In general, compressors are noisy. I keep mine in a separate enclosure (with my DX) and just run the pipe through the wall and have it switched...
  10. T

    Look what I got!!

    My prize for runner up in the Competition arrived this morning. A Phillyplane!! \:D/ \:D/ . One of the new smoothers. Its made from Goncalo Alves and looks and feels wonderful. I've not used it in anger yet. Thanks very much Philly - very generous of you and thank you UK Workshop...
  11. T

    Our house - is a very, very, very nice house...

    Still at least its warm so you can use the barbie......... yep - you are bonkers. (hammer) (hammer) (hammer) I would move out now. All the best with it though. It surely can't be that bad - can it??? Cheers Tim
  12. T

    Our house - is a very, very, very nice house...

    Lets be honest - if the staircase in the sitting room is anything to go by, it needs bulldozing. You'll not get far on that :lol: :lol: Seriously though - where are you going to live, what are the plans and is Kevin Mccloud involved? Cheers Tim
  13. T

    French Doors - do they change use of room?

    Fair points. The pier as far as we can tell is not structural - the lintel runs right across the opening. Out of curiousity what was your tale of woe? Cheers Tim
  14. T

    French Doors - do they change use of room?

    Sorry. Its A. My thinking is that it shouldn't be change of use since we would use external joinery ie still keeping the outside, outside and essentially just replacing a bit of wall since the rest is already door and window. Replacement would be like so: Cheers Tim
  15. T

    French Doors - do they change use of room?

    I am now doing up our house to sell. The house is oldish c 1820s and was originally two cottages that is now one dwelling. It has been significantly changed over the years and some of it well before our time. There is a large porch/ conservatory that we refurbed a few years ago but was...
  16. T

    Timber auction this Saturday - PREVIEW feedback inside

    Just been to the preview. Sadly, pretty disappointing. A lot of the timber, while looking good on paper, is twisted or has significant splits and knots creating limited useable stuff. A lot was pretty wet too It worries me that so much is asterisked ie liable for Vat too. I did go for...
  17. T

    Where's "Patina" gone?

    Yes! Cheers Tim
  18. T

    Poular woodworking magazine (USA)

    This may help: ... 147#218147 I emailed Megan yesterday, got a response saying that she couldn't believe that they were still messing up the distribution over here, apologised and said that an issue would be airmailed. Its a good mag and they are nice...
  19. T


    I haven't had a chance to read it yet but had a flick through the flaming technique to mimic japanese aging - that looks fab. I like FWW but I have found over the years that I have used Knots that its quite a pompous forum and I certainly haven't felt inclined to participate. Clearly they may...
  20. T

    My first order with Axminster..Whoops

    To be honest Axminster is a very good retailer but their website is terrible. The descriptions leave a lot to be desired. The comparisons are often meaningless since the specs of similar products don't marry ie some will specify weight, others won't but will have noise values so you can't...