Your favourite thing you have made from reclaimed timber 🤔 📸

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I use recycled wood a lot for my domestic projects. This is one of them. My partner wanted a collapsible table she had seen in a shop. As usual I said I could make one of those! And to the exact dimensions for the space we needed. It's basically two trestles with a removable top, held in place with a couple of wing nut bolts. The wood came from various pieces I had - eg old door frames, some pallet wood, and some skip finds which I keep in my "wood shed"! Because they are different woods and need touching up as well, my pieces tend to be painted!

We have found that although the table is collapsible, in reality it stays up permanently. We like the space it provides in an awkward part of our room!
There is great pleasure in reusing wood, hardware etc. , and creating a pleasing and usable piece.
Modified an old door for a dog door barrier.
A sewing pony for my leatherwork. I was given a pallet made of some exotic wood. I could only salvage a few planks as the wood split very easily when was taking it apart. I have a sewing pony that I can sit on while working in the garden but this one I can clamp to a table and it has full swing and lift. If anyone knows the wood I would appreciate knowing.



Post something you have made from reclaimed timer. something you loved working on or the end product

I’ll start.

Pitch pine drop leaf/gatelegged table finished with an open grain and lime wax.
Made from old church pews

Not the best picture but I loved working on it!
Post something you have made from reclaimed timer. something you loved working on or the end product

I’ll start.

Pitch pine drop leaf/gatelegged table finished with an open grain and lime wax.
Made from old church pews

Not the best picture but I loved working on it!

Cheating a bit on my own thread. The oak isn’t reclaimed on all of these tables. But the cast is from Birmingham dockside I believe. We ended up having them made they were so popular.

Pedestal table in oak.


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Posted this before, but this was my lockdown project (OK I started it prior, but pretty much all the drawers and chunk of the casework was done from March 2020 onwards...

I think virtually all of this was reclaimed pallet members from work, the rest presumably would have been odds and ends. I'd got a bandsaw for Christmas just before lockdown and was able to split ~4"x4" members that make up steel plate pallets into boards. for the drawers and true up/finish with hand planes.

It's still in use and works really well. I learned a LOT from this one...


Another item is this sideboard/credenza. It's made from American black walnut off-cuts. The story goes from my big brother that the ship transporting the walnut trees was sunk by a German U-boat near the beginning of the war. After the war (I think the 1950's) the contents of the ship were salvaged including the walnut tree trunks (I assume) and were sold to the company that they were originally destined for which meant they paid for them twice. My big brother worked for this company and I had the off-cut from a boardroom they were furnishing. He told me the story and said they had tons of this walnut, so much that they couldn't use it all in his lifetime. Unfortunately, he suddenly died that year (2010) so I don't know if that means they actually only had a bit left. I wish he was around still even if it was just to confirm if I remember this story correctly.

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That walnut was probably destined for making gunstocks and probably purchased by HMG directly rather than the company it was destined for. In the first years of WWII Uncle Sam took payment in full up front. When there was no gold, silver, stocks, bonds, patents etc. left to take, then "Lend-Lease" appeared. Lovely work on the sideboard!
That walnut was probably destined for making gunstocks and probably purchased by HMG directly rather than the company it was destined for. In the first years of WWII Uncle Sam took payment in full up front. When there was no gold, silver, stocks, bonds, patents etc. left to take, then "Lend-Lease" appeared. Lovely work on the sideboard!
That makes sense in a way. The company is Birmingham based so I wonder if they were to prepare the timber for the BSA factory. As children, after the dredgers had done their thing on the river Cole we would find rifle stocks that had been, I suppose, rejected from the BSA and Acker Docks in the sludge they pulled out.
I like the bird reflection , how many peacocks do you have?
He was a visiting peacock. We called him Dave. He would spend most of the day in our child/dog-free garden and then go to wherever he nested in the evening. He was kidnapped in 2022 and the next time we saw him was on a Midlands news channel. He appeared in Handsworth, Birmingham with a piece of string around his foot. The RSPCA to him to a location where there were other Peacocks.
I turned a stack of old used 4x2 timber into a workbench for my newly created workshop! Solid as a rock and weighs about 160kg. I have since added 3 drawers, also from recycled timber.
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I did the same. I was out running when I saw all these beams being put into a skip. I asked the builders if I could take the lot. They were only too pleased. They put the rest of the beams next to the skip over that week. I was collecting it daily. Collected a similar amount to what you had. Boom!
About 15 years ago made some shelving for the workshop from an old door found next to a skip. Essentially this masterpiece :)eek:) is the top section of a door cut in half horizontally, and then cut in half again vertically, with the two panels removed. The resulting repurposed door sections make the two sides, with additional oak pieces and some roofing batten I had laying about to fashion a carcass. The shelves themselves made from timber found in the same skip ! not sure what species it is but it was lovely to cut with an appealing deep yellow colour,.


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