XP Shutdown problem


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Established Member
15 Nov 2004
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Nr Dorchester Dorset
Hi All,
Hope someone can help me here:

For a while now whenever I try to shutdown my laptop (XP SP2 etc) I get the blue window and the Windows is shutting stuff; then the cursor freezes and thats that. I have to hold down the power key until it quits then hit it again to reboot.
If I try a restart from the shutdown menu it sometimes works , sometimes (mostly) not.

Any thoughts please?

It might be worth running Norton Utilities - you don't have to install it, if you can find somebody with the disc you can run it from your cd drive. There's a Win-doctor option which might sort it out.

Other than that, you might try reinstalling windows, or at the worst, do a full backup (even if you've got Home Edition, there is a way to add it to your options - MS support I think tells you how to do it), wipe the hard drive clean and reinstall from scratch.
How long has this been happenin?

If for example it has been going on for a month, you might try using the system restore tool and use a backup point more than 1 month old.
It's a bit dull but run msconfig from start|run. Go into the startup tab and disable all. Reboot and see if you have the same problem.
Then introduce startup items back in one by one or in groups to eliminate the problem.
You could try PC Tools Registry Mechanic, first time I ever run it it found 178 problems on my puter, it fixed all of them instantly. I don't know if it will work on your problem though. I think you can down load the programme, try googling for it.
Go to "Control Panel" then "Administrative Tools" then "Event Viewer."

In the left-hand window of Event Viewer, you'll find three headings. Click on "Application" then, once a load of messages have appeared in the right-hand window, go to the "Action" menu at the top and click on "Clear All Events," say "No" to the "Save?" prompt that will appear.

Now click on the "System" heading in the left pane and repeat the process to clear the right-hand window of events. Close Event Viewer.

Now shut down. When you next fire up, the Event Viewer should contain messages that exactly detail what went on. That may assist you to get to the root of this.

Every time I shut down, the last thing I do is to clear these panes (and I've got no problems at all) - it's a habit I've got into and takes a few seconds only. If anything ever goes wobbly, I know where to look immediately for the cause. BTW, I've got a shortcut to it on my Desktop.

Event Viewer may highlight the problem, as suggested by Argee. Often the event description isn't too helpful though.

Using a system restore point, as suggested by SlimJim is the easiest way of dropping back to a previous point just to see if it fixes the problem.
The backup program exists somewhere on the XP CD (can't remember where off the top), but it's easy to obtain and install.
A couple of other things worth trying, but create a system restore point first...
Close down each application you are using one at a time, and give them time to terminate properly.

Does it happen on all user accounts? If it only happens on yours then it may be to do with an application you are running or your user account and/or profile. For a start ditch all the stuff you don't have to run. It's amazing the amount of 'free' utilities that people run!
Other than that it may be a user account or user profile problem. Every time you create a user account it will have its own unique profile associated with it. This contains many of the basic settings used by the account, and all the tweaks users apply as the account ages. You can test this by creating a new user account which will have its own user profile.

If it looks like your user profile is causing the problem you can create a new one without creating a new user account for yourself if required. In essence you log on to a different account to the one you're having trouble with (you can't do this from the suspect account), then rename the profile of the troublesome account. The profile is in 'C:\Documents and Settings\' and will have the same name as the account. Take careful note of the name of the profile, then rename it. Now log on to the suspect account, and a new profile will be generated for you. See if the shutdown problem still exists then. If it does, then you have to reverse the above procedure to re-instate the old profile. If it doesn't then you can copy many of your original settings (e.g. Favourites, desktop items etc) back from the old profile you renamed earlier, or roll back to the restore point you took at the beginning. I've had to do this plenty of times when working in the IT industry, and the info is offered in good faith, but please call on a local support person if you're not familiar with the way these things work.

I don't recommend hacking around manually in the registry unless you're sure what you're doing.

Good luck!
Argee (Ray)
I did what you said and then Shut Down, which it did normally for once!
After rebooting I went to Event Viewer and under the Application tab all appeared OK except the last line which was:

ERROR - WLTRYSVC - None - Event 2 - SYSTEM

I checked the Properties for this error and it said Set Service Status () failed

I of course am none the wiser :oops:

I will now clear this every time before I shut down and see if anything else comes to light.

Pigeonpost - will look at this also , many thanks.

I am happy to give this a go but can I do any damage here? I feel that it will be very easy to get out of my depth!

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