Established Member
As a retired individual I firmly come into the category of "He's in the shed" or "I know where he is 90% of the time".
And as an inveterate fiddler and loath to spend money on something I can make myself I spend an inordinate amount of time fixing, fiddling fettling etc. compared with producing a finished project that ever leaves the shed.
I know this time versus output is vastly different between the 'wage earner' (Trade) and hobbyist but how much time/pleasure do members in general spend just messing about in the shed installing new equipment jigs etc. as opposed to producing.
And as an inveterate fiddler and loath to spend money on something I can make myself I spend an inordinate amount of time fixing, fiddling fettling etc. compared with producing a finished project that ever leaves the shed.
I know this time versus output is vastly different between the 'wage earner' (Trade) and hobbyist but how much time/pleasure do members in general spend just messing about in the shed installing new equipment jigs etc. as opposed to producing.