A quick review before I send it on.
OK, this is my first passaround and I am pretty much a novice woodworker, but here's my opinion on this one.
1. The dovetail marker - Shiny! Marks up dovetails, feels solid, is accurate to a much higher tolerance than I can measure. Err. that's it. If I wanted a dovetail marker I'd be happy with this one.
2. The adjustable bevel. Pretty much the same as the dovetail marker, well made, solid, elegant and nice to have. Though I tend to echo HC's comment that it's a bit small, a larger tool can be used to mark up small things (on the whole) but not vice versa. Again, a very nice tool and not much more I can say on it.
3. The mortice chisel. Nice piece of steel that took an edge pretty easily and stayed sharp for the relatively small amount of abuse I gave it. I have not used a mortice chisel before and did like the fact that I could lever out big chips from a mortise confident that the tool would take it. So I've learnt a bit about mortise chisels...
I took an offcut of kiln dried oak and just cut a mortise in it. It was quick and easy and I can see the difference a dedicated mortise chisel will make for this job. It does make me want a set and this one seems to be a good tool. [edit] NB, I don't have HC's expertise with tools and based my review on how it felt for me to use it. I bow to his knowledge on the quality of the build [edit] My only concern was that the handle felt a little small, I have relatively small hands and was concerned that I could grasp virtually all the handle in my hand. I suspect it would disappear into the paws of anyone with larger hands, and that could mean it's tricky to use.
I then took a piece of 10mm oak dowel and drove it into the mortise so I could try out the flushcut saw.
4. The flushcut saw. I was surprised at quite how delicate this tool was and was initially rather hesitant using at as a result. But I found as soon as I started using it you could saw quite vigorously and it went through the oak dowel effortlessly. I wouldn't mind one of these in my tool kit but for me it would be a bit of a luxury (no obstacle to the slope of course :lol
and there are other things higher up my list. It did leave a very nice finish and didn't touch the planed surface around the dowel. Pretty impressed with it actually.
5. The cabinet rasp. I've never really seen the need for a rasp before, have only used one occasionally. However, I now realise that I wasn't using a proper rasp, I was using an ikea cheese grater on a stick. I tried shaping a bit of reclaimed oak floorboard, 25mm thick and don't know how old but certainly very well seasoned. It cut it swiftly, cleanly and controllably. I was very impressed and can now start to see a lot more places where I could use this. The thing that impressed me the most was the speed of cut, it just zipped through the wood. I'd like a set please.
Thank you Matthew and I'll be sending this lot on as soon as I can get to a post office.