Woodworking shows in the web ...


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Established Member
19 Mar 2003
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West Dartmoor, Devon, UK
Has anyone seen:


Quite a nice idea - you can watch a Discovery show of you choice for 99p or subscribe for £5.99 a month. Great idea?

Now the caveat, they have a pretty appalling selection of shows. No Norm, CEW or GBW - BUT lots of Smith and Sweetman.

Could be interesting though if it takes off and they had more shows available. If NYW thought of doing this I'm sure their interlink would be flooded.


I looked there when they advertised it and was disgusted that they wanted us to PAY to watch things that had been repeated so many times.
H&L need a good kick up the backside to awaken them to the large number of woodworkers who want to see 'good' woodworking programmes. For 10 years NYW was on daily at peak times (8.00pm) and then relegated to the afternoon with no new series being shown despite it having been used as the prime programme for 'Workshop Wednesday'. The Wednesday programmes have been replaced by more repeats of property shows. 'New series'? only new to H&L as they are repeated from channel 4. I'm slowly tiring of typing emails to them asking for the 2004 series of NYW. Heck. they are half way through making the 2005 series now.
Personally, I liked Smith and sweetman. Interesting projects with British craftsmen.
Dewy noticed in this months GWW - a complaint from the editorial team about the lack of ww shows on DH&L - and an address to complain.

Tony - I would rather see Smith and Sweetman than nothing! It did have a lot going for it - I just wasn't too keen on the presentation.

But it is weird how fishing seems to have completely taken over DH&L?


I liked the rapport between Smith & Sweetman but could have done with some projects costing less for timber than the £1,000 plus on some of the items.
Not long ago H&L used woodworking as their prime programs.
8.00pm is prime time which was when NYW was on for 10 years.
Now it's delegated to mid afternoon only.
They had at least 2 different episodes each weekday then 1 at 6am on Saturday & Sunday.
They seem to think that woodworking isnt popular enough so heap fishing and property developement on us many of which are old channel 4 programmes.
Their timber costs were a little suspect. I think they were getting ripped off!
True - they were one of the few sky channels offering new programs - ie not repeats of terrestrial. Not any more it seems - although don't know or care who the fishing progs were made for.
OOOh - they have Great British Woodshop on there now - and a free clip for all of you who are dying to what it's like!
Fishing and Property, personally - neither float my boat.

They are changing their aspect on the word "Home", now quite litrually its all "Home" as in material not "within the home".

You can see some of my program reviews here:

TO be honest, there hasnt really been any woodworking show's i've *hated*. I've enjoyed watching most of them, and things like "Boyz in the wood" may not appeal to all of us "expert woodworkers", but its still fun to watch people making things.

I like watching John Revell, as he can actually present very well, while keeping you entertained. Smith and Sweetman although the how-to aspect isnt amazing, I really like the work they did.

Great British Woodshop was great, although (david doesnt like me for saying this) you simply cant compare a lot of what he made with what he was looking at in most instances, IE: that library table/stool was looked like and the nasty "shoe shine" stool he then made is almost an insult.

Cutting edge woodworker was good, because of the original designs he produced, its fantastic seeing some really unique stuff for once as opposed to "yet another panel door cabinet" etc...

Now thats some nice planes, but so expensive I'd be freighted to use them.

Any lucky so and so out there got any, Alf maybe?

He only makes about 20 planes a year. Each takes about 150 hours but he has never timed them.
Waka":38fyjdeu said:
Any lucky so and so out there got any, Alf maybe?
<To make a hollow laughter> :roll:

sawdustalley":38fyjdeu said:
its still fun to watch people making things.
Exactly. I can't recall ever meeting anyone who doesn't enjoy watching someone else make things. If only that fact would dawn on programme makers so they'd stop thinking the target audience is only those people who'll then go out and make it themselves. :roll:

Cheers, Alf
Television companies, of course, are not particularly interested in you and me but in viewing figures. There are reckoned to be millions in the UK interested in fishing in its various forms, and no doubt as many involved in 'doing-up' their houses - so, speaks for itself doesn't it? Unfortunately, I fear woodworkers don't stand much chance if WW programmes don't attract much in the way of sponsorship or advertising revenue. How many adverts for WW tools/machinery do you see?

Fortunately, I don't have Sky, have never seen Norm or the others so don't miss them. (The progs. would no doubt send me to sleep in minutes anyway, as any other TV does!)


Given we have magazine contributors, magazine editors, distributors, sales, and various other bods on here, how come we haven't got anyone from H&L?

Why not find out the email address of someone who actually is high enough to be interested in the requests for more shows? Time for google author:mad:email.com address type seach me thinks?

Screwfix used to sponsor New Yankee Workshop Trev.
Pity the Kingfisher group didnt do it now they own both Screwfix & B&Q.