Women driver???


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************************************************************* woman driver you say !!!!!
>According to the Hollywood rules of momentum that should have made it at least 2 miles inland demolishing a town or two on the way

And then exploded!
Sad to see the Pride of Calais following its sister ship, the Pride of Dover, to the scrapyard. My wife and I sailed on both since they started service 25 years ago and enjoyed our many crossings on them. We have no time at all for their replacements, the Spirit of Britain and the Spirit of France, and avoid them if at all possible.
There's some interesting stuff on the Costa Concordia, too. That blog is carrying the press releases from the salvage team.

Two interesting things: the operation has so far had an economic effect* of around 900m Euros, of which, predictably, 600m has been spent in Italy (gross approximations here!). Also, the scrapping is presently out to tender (to be awarded in March, probably). The euphemistically-titled "Port of Destination" is unlikely to be a beach, because even with all the sponsons fitted she will still sit very low in the water. They're reporting that one of the criteria for the scrapyard is at least 20m depth of water to dock the wreck. That said, consortia in Italy, France, Norway, Turkey and the UK were all invited to tender.

My guess is Turkey will get the job: It'll be a brave towing company that takes on the Atlantic !


*that's from the salvage work, and doesn't count the economic loss of the vessel and the compensation, etc.
It is an odd quirk of modern society that even a tragedy and waste such as the costa concordia wreck adds to GDP and therefore to the growth of the economy. Perhaps the captain needs rewarding, and a few ships could be beached here to help our economy.