Established Member
This is my version does work well!
Handy if you like having 4 guns on the go. drill,screwdriver,countersink etc. Which is always better than faffing about with a swop over, as you realize the driver bit has rolled off the bench and is now somewhere amongst the shavings.This is my version does work well!
For years the pro standard was 9.6v(I think it al started at 7.2v), then along came 12v with 1.4ah batteries. ,then 14.4ah batteries came along and so on and so forth.Have the exact same drill, though mine came in a slightly different case and with 1.5Ah batteries. Absolutely love it, most used drill. Obviously it won't win any power competitions and at times I have found it frustratingly slow - not impracticably slow, just slower than I was expecting. However the light weight and good balance make it the one you first pick up for 90% of tasks.
Had to do some emergency repairs to a collapsed bed a couple of weeks back, was one of those "fix in place without shifting surrounding clutter" tasks. It was one of those tasks you are consciously grateful for the tool in those "upside down" or "driving towards you" moments.
Ni cad i think was the first, and their horrible tendency to retain a memory so you needed to run them right down before recharging. Then it was ni cad ...