Wickes advertise hardwood ply, but deliver softwood ply


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To be honest buying ply has become such a nightmare of quality and at such huge cost, that i find now that i go to inspect before ordering any. There is such an enormous range of product on the market, most of it of really awful quality. I feel for the OP.
Brazilian Grades

  • C+/C Face knots filled and repaired/reverse open knots
  • B/C No knots in face/open knots in reverse
  • B/B No knots face or back
Malaysian/Chinese Grades

  • B/BB One piece face veneer uniform in colour/occasional filler on reverse
  • BB/CC One piece face veneer, colour variation, occasional filler to max 2 x 300 mm/reverse occasional patches and filler and pin worm
Hope it's not one grading per country!
They've just picked up the tat boards .
When the chap came to get them he asked what the reasons was - change of mind etc. I started to say about the misleading pic and he stopped me telling me that he'd done several pick ups for the exact same reason. People thought they were getting the nice clean hardwood, but what arrived was the knotty split softwood. So it seems im not alone in feeling aggrieved.

I even suspect they dont even have any of the clean hardwood at all,and anyone who orders will automatically be given the softwood boards.

What a swizz
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