Plywood. Wicks. B&Q Quality continuation thread.

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Established Member
8 May 2013
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Ive started a new thread about the questions and complaints about Wicks and B&Q plywood.

At the start of the corona virus B&Q had to find a new supplier as they could not guarantee consistent supply.
The supplier they had, IMO, produced consistent quality boards with very little delamination and a pretty consistent surface finish and thickness, although the top ply was always very thin.
Good for drawer boxes, screwed , glued routed.etc
The new supplier produced a poor quality panel but it was all they could get their hands on to fill the shelving.
Had anyone with problems contacted head office they would have been given this information and the assurance that as soon as possible the old supplier would be back on line with supply.
Which is fair comment.
The second point is that had anyone used the cutting service they could have examined the laminate in various places through a panel to check the adhesion.
At that point they could have raised concernes with the store and refused to pay for the panel.

Wicks do not supply a cutting service in our city.
A sheet 8x4 18 mm t ply is £46.
You can buy smaller sizes.
A 2ft x 4ft wide piece costs a staggering £21... £80 arrd for the full single sheet.

Today I purchased a sheet of 18mm 8x4.
Consolidation looks good both on the sheet edges and through the slices I had cut.
Thickness was consistent throught although slightly under 18mm t. Surface finish ply was good and consistent but still very thin.
I asked about the supplier and the quality issues and was told that they were now receiving stock from their original supplier and that the quality had improved resulting in less tradesmen complaining about delams.

One of the problems as I see it as an amateur wood worker is that basic rules for buying any timber should be observed.
You have to inspect the product before you lay down your cash.
Wicks, although they dont cut sheet did say that any ply I selected to have delivered would be from off the shelves in their facility, put at one side and loaded onto a truck. Maybe this is not particular with all stores.

Ive stuck a few photos on taken throught the panel.
Regards Mike
I agree big box store plywood and softwood timber is very hit and miss.

Visiting in person is essential in my opinion.

I brought 5 sheets from wickes for my camper conversion and the quality was excellent. The latest stuff I've looked at wasn't a patch on it so I gone else where.
Curiously, our local B&Q has a saw, but but doesn't stock whole sheets of ply. MDF and OSB, yes, but not ply.
I went to one a few miles in the other direction because I wanted one accurately cut. Quality wise it was fine.
Nothing to do with ply wood but I went to the handforth branch of B&Q and they had a young lad on a B&D workmate cutting up a great pile of soft wood to length with a very large hand saw, must have taken him all day, I bet he was good at it at the end
Last time I went to Wickes for plywood I left empty handed. It was just worthless, bent, full of voids and a wavy surface.
Went to Jewsons, slightly better.

If I need plywood I normally go to Lavers.


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