How not to do it first Mick, this is the old shed that was treated with clear preserver when first built then with a light brown creasote substitute a couple of years ago. I used Cuprinol shed & fence preserver Acorn brown this time and it went a strange colour, but im pretty sure its fading already so at some point I will like the colour :lol:
The new workshop was treated with clear cuprinol by the manufacturers before delivery. I used the same Cuprinol acorn brown on it and am pleased with the result.
Its spirit based and went on easily, no patchy bits if left and gone back to after a cuppa and 5ltr was more than enough for 1 coat. I have done the 2 ends and back but not the front yet.

The new workshop was treated with clear cuprinol by the manufacturers before delivery. I used the same Cuprinol acorn brown on it and am pleased with the result.

Its spirit based and went on easily, no patchy bits if left and gone back to after a cuppa and 5ltr was more than enough for 1 coat. I have done the 2 ends and back but not the front yet.