Who's been to Daventry show?


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Established Member
14 Apr 2012
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It is the Tudor Rose woodturning show next month and I intend to go but wife doesn't fancy driving both ways and spending day there so question is......
How big is it ? does it take all day to see ?
Is it worth booking accomodation and going back again next day ?
It's not a huge show, but last year they had some good demos - Rich Findley is a member, and he demo'd.
Bob Chapman was there too, and I THINK there was someone else - sorry if I have forgotten your name!!

It's a nice, friendly day out - more like a quality club all dayer that a 'show' in the sense of a commercial event.

If I can get a day pass, I'll definitely go again.


As a member of Tudor Rose Woodturners I could be considered biased, but, the show tries to give clubs from all around the opportunity to show just what the members are capable of producing.

We also try and get as many traders as possible to give our friends the possibility of picking up a bargain.

There is a 2nd. hand stall where I very often make a bee line to get a lump of toolsteel to make a special!

A link to the information on this years show:- http://www.tudor-rose-turners.co.uk/page36.html

Do come and visit, your presence is welcomed and everyone else who has the opportunity.

The show is close to the town if you wish to eat out or there are limited refreshments on site.

There is FREE parking in the council car park opposite the show.

I will be there in my capacity as a steward so if you need any more info please find me, just ask for that old git Peter from Tudor Rose!

Regards, Peter.
Hi Peter
I thought you had something to do with it and hoped you would answer.
I expect we will book in somewhere for Friday night at least so we can get there nice and early and only drive one way on the day ( SWMBO has to do the driving )
We went to 10 Turners turning in Nuneaton both days and enjoyed it but don't know how they compare in size.
Apologies, Graham and Peter (and all at the Daventry show) - I think I must have had a senior moment - I did go to a day at Daventry, but I think it may have been a club open day - the link which Peter has provided is for a much bigger event than I attended - I hope that clarifies it for any readers!!
Best wishes
A slightly embarrassed,
I will probably be there on both days with the club which is The Village Turners.

There is a lot to see and several demos from turners over the two days including the competition pieces which are always good to watch.

Greg, you came to the forum meet up that I organised last year. The Daventry show is much bigger. All the local clubs attend as well as a number of traders including Axminster and Ashley Iles.

This year there will also be a free hands on area where myself and Gary Rance are offering up port for your turning problems, from bowls, skew work and sharpening. Ask questions, get hands on and learn some turning stuff.

A relatively small show but friendly with chances to gain knowledge and more tools!!

Look forward to seeing you there!

I've been for a couple of years and I'll be going this year too. Plenty of demo's, plenty of advice & free admission. How can you turn that down??

J-G":g9rsru33 said:
petercharlesfagg":g9rsru33 said:
A link to the information on this years show:- http://www.tudor-rose-turners.co.uk/page36.html
A very useful link Peter - except for the fact that I can't see any mention of the start or finish times.

Maybe I'm not looking in the right place but it would be helpful if they were alongside the dates.


You are absolutely correct!

If I remember from other shows it is likely to open at 10 am and close around 4 pm?

Let's put it another way, if I am on the door in the morning there is no way (apart from a little monetary recognition) that I am going to let you in before the opening time!

In the afternoon I will be walking around with a big stick which will indicate that you are kindly requested to leave the building, or else!

petercharlesfagg":1tnee0uw said:
J-G":1tnee0uw said:
I can't see any mention of the start or finish times.
You are absolutely correct!
If I remember from other shows it is likely to open at 10 am and close around 4 pm?
Thanks Peter. I can only make the Sunday since I have already committed to officiating at a performance of Iolanthe on the Saturday.
We will be going both as the tool shop with Easy Wood Tools and I will be demonstrating woodworking rather than turning I hope this suits the visitors.
We are planning on taking hand tools for sale, not sure what to take from all the goodies we have, any ideas please let us know what people might wish to see.
Not been before but it sounds very friendly and should be a good weekend.
Cheers Peter
If my experience is anything to go by, then it would be the smaller, pocket-able and reasonably priced items.

Do keep it in mind that sticky fingers often attend such shows, I lost a pack of chuck screws last time, if you can shield your items it might be a good idea!

Regards, Peter.
petercharlesfagg":36fww6sp said:
If my experience is anything to go by, then it would be the smaller, pocket-able and reasonably priced items.

Do keep it in mind that sticky fingers often attend such shows, I lost a pack of chuck screws last time, if you can shield your items it might be a good idea!

Regards, Peter.

Thanks for the advice Peter we will probably bring Incra rules and Tormek. It is such a shame when people come along with light fingers, I only remember being caught once someone took my piercing saw of my bench from my open day whist I was demonstrating Dovetailing. I was quiet upset I had owned it over 25 years since I started woodworking. Never mind good excuse for a new one :)
Look forward to saying hello cheers Peter
gregmcateer":11kllkxp said:
Rich Findley is a member, and he demo'd.
Bob Chapman was there too, and I THINK there was someone else - sorry if I have forgotten your name!!

How can you forget Walter Hall, shame on you Greg :lol: :lol:

I really like the Daventry show & very much hope to get along again this year.

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