Which table saw, I really am stuck


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Out int shed

Established Member
18 Dec 2008
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Hello all,

I am ploughing through a new workshed build - https://www.ukworkshop.co.uk/forums/view ... hp?t=30212 - but while I wait for the weather to turn, I am looking for new kit to help me make the most of my workspace.

I have a cracking cross cut saw - an elektra bechum kgs300 - and all the router machinary and bits i need, but I cannot decide upon a table saw.

I have a budget of up to £1000 (gulp!) but if possible would like to keep it to a spouse suppressing £5-600

I would need 10" min and a sliding table/carriage.

Are there any recommendations from you wise people?

I realise that this may be a well asked question and people may be tired of responding but any input will be gratefully received.
It is just my honest opinion but I use the SIP. They do a nice 10" with a sliding table. I have the 12" but without the sliding table but find it a great saw and very accurate. I am sure there will be many more opinions on this one though as there are a few good table saws out there. :wink:
You can get the Sliding table for the 10" version. All together costs £760 with the carriage. I'm planning on getting one very soon.
blooming baby woke me up!! All i asked him for was 7am start, little tyke had me up at 5!!

Thanks for the reply's guys.

I'll hang on to see if any more appear and then start checking specs.
Are you sure you need a saw with a sliding carriage? My workshop is about 20' x 30' and no way could I use a sliding carriage without getting rid of other machines.
If you can do without the sliding carriage, have you considered the DEFT saw? About £800 from memory, but highly regarded. Looks well built.


If you could confirm what you intend to do with the T/S then I'm sure we can offer more focused advice.

I have done a great deal of research into saws with sliding carriages recently. If I assume that you will be doing small work (ie no panel cutting) and if you really want to hit your SWMBO satisfying target price then I would recommend the Record Power TS200C whose 'format-style' sliding carriage is unsurpassed in this lower price bracket. If you need to rip wider pieces and square up panels then the Record Power TS250SB just meets your maximum budget.

I'm suggesting the RP models, not only for their specification, but because their prices haven't been recently increased due to the weak £/$ exchange rate - RP are a UK based manufacturer (but import some components).

However, there will soon be a stampede of nay-sayers who will pick holes at my suggestions because they had some pain setting up their table. FYI - no saw in this price bracket will be configuration free off the delivery pallet!

To get a true appreciation of quality and durability, always try to view any T/S selections in the 'metal' before buying - many manufacturers host trade shows at their distributors' premises throughout the year.

Thats just my two pence worth....

I'm going to buy this one which is the Deft and at £600 seems the best buy around at the moment. I'd like to see it it the flesh 1st or find somebody else who's bought one for feedback.

http://www.lyndhurstwoodworking.co.uk/s ... 94_581.htm
It's a badged SIP alright, same as I have. Had mine for about four years and have no desire for a replacement.

Thanks for the info guy's the price inc's everything seen in the pic, can't go wrong methinks, thought the other one looked like a badged Jet? and if it came with the sliding table would prefer to buy it. Buying a Incra or Osbourne as an extra not really in the same league plus expensive. Space not an issue.
I'm going to take the plunge and try making a living from making furniture. It's taken a while to find a place but now have! 10m x 5m plus a stair to a floor above of the same size. I may also start selling small amounts of timber to members who live in the area as I know it's difficult to find merchants in my neck of the woods.
Don't expect to make much money, but I just want to be happy doing something I enjoy.

Sorry this comment has nothing to do with the original question
Doing a job you enjoy is worth a pension. Good luck to you!

Strangely enough I have been looking at the DEFT saw today. I must confess to being a bit confused as to why the sliding table saw is £200 cheaper than the T30. I would have thought that the sliding table saw would have been more expensive.

I guess that the sliding table saw is designed to handle 8'x4' sheet material.

For general woodworking purposes which is more useful? Does having to fit into a 20'x12' workshop change the answer?
Id rather the left hand table and a nice incra miter gauge for me with a nice outfeed table doubling as assembly table behind.
Thanks all for the thoughts.

I cannot understand why the deft is so cheap!

Bloonose, thanks very much for the heads up on that model, I will look into that further - got to do some working outs on how much room it would need/take up!
Your more than welcome, further info. They have an Ebay shop and the very saw sold last week for Less than £500 I seem to remember plus £75 postage. Nothing for sale on it at the moment but if your in no rush keep an eye on it :wink: Some ejit payed more than the normal cost for the extractor they were selling, ebay madness again :roll: Let me know how you get on....
My problem with a lot of these saws is that they're just too heavy for a suspended floor (mine at least) In order to go for anything like the Deft or Axminster saw I'll need to be beef up the floor. Size is also an issue, that sort of saw takes up a hell of a lot of room (maybe too much) and my workshop is 20x12'. Contenders at the moment is the Jet SS or the Record which is about a grand cheaper, both saws btw got very good reviews in F&C (as did the Deft without the sliding table) - Rob